Class 2
You can email Miss Davies directly to make contact and submit work.
Miss Davies' email: [email protected]
or use the form below to make contact.
Miss Davies' email: [email protected]
or use the form below to make contact.
Home Learning Work
Friday 18th March 2022
Today we completed a guided write in school. This is where we all discuss our ideas and an adult writes the paragraph.
Using the information you already know about Neil Armstrong, have a go at writing the first paragraph of our biography about his Early Life.
Below is the guided write from Class for you if you're abit stuck.
We then copied it out as handwriting practice.
Our example:
Early Life
Neil Armstrong was born on the 5th August 1930 in America. He liked to build model aeroplanes and he even got a job cutting grass so he could buy more model kits. Neil wasn't very good at sport but he loved reading and listening to music. His dad took him on his first aeroplane flight where he decided he wanted to be a pilot. Armstrong got his pilot's license when he was16 years old. By the time he had left university he had flown over 200 aircraft. In 1962 Neil Armstrong joined NASA's astronaut corps.
Today we completed a guided write in school. This is where we all discuss our ideas and an adult writes the paragraph.
Using the information you already know about Neil Armstrong, have a go at writing the first paragraph of our biography about his Early Life.
Below is the guided write from Class for you if you're abit stuck.
We then copied it out as handwriting practice.
Our example:
Early Life
Neil Armstrong was born on the 5th August 1930 in America. He liked to build model aeroplanes and he even got a job cutting grass so he could buy more model kits. Neil wasn't very good at sport but he loved reading and listening to music. His dad took him on his first aeroplane flight where he decided he wanted to be a pilot. Armstrong got his pilot's license when he was16 years old. By the time he had left university he had flown over 200 aircraft. In 1962 Neil Armstrong joined NASA's astronaut corps.
Ask an adult to test you on this week's spellings - Good luck!
Ask an adult to test you on this week's spellings - Good luck!
Continuing with the time these this week, today's lesson focusses on sequencing.
Continuing with the time these this week, today's lesson focusses on sequencing.

Year 1 - Maths - 18.3.22 | |
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Afternoon activities
Here's our weekly quiz. Have a go if you're feeling up to it.
Individual reading - 15 minutes
Here's our weekly quiz. Have a go if you're feeling up to it.
Individual reading - 15 minutes
Thursday 17th March 2022
WALT: Organise information for a biography.
After looking at biographies yesterday, today I would like you to sort some information into two sub-headings - Early life and Man on the Moon.
Cut and stick the boxes into the two sub-headings. There are two blank boxes for you to add any other information you can remember from our Humanities lesson a few weeks ago.
WALT: Organise information for a biography.
After looking at biographies yesterday, today I would like you to sort some information into two sub-headings - Early life and Man on the Moon.
Cut and stick the boxes into the two sub-headings. There are two blank boxes for you to add any other information you can remember from our Humanities lesson a few weeks ago.

Thursday 17th March - Organising information | |
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Year 1 Maths - 17.3.22 | |
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Afternoon activities
Individual reading - 15 minutes
Today we have been practicing our basic computer skills.
Ask an adult if you can use a computer/laptop.
The task today was to:
- Open a new word document/google docs document
- Insert a picture of Neil Armstrong
- Write a sentence underneath about Neil Armstrong and his achievements. You can then change the font, size and colour of the text.
Individual reading - 15 minutes
Today we have been practicing our basic computer skills.
Ask an adult if you can use a computer/laptop.
The task today was to:
- Open a new word document/google docs document
- Insert a picture of Neil Armstrong
- Write a sentence underneath about Neil Armstrong and his achievements. You can then change the font, size and colour of the text.
Wednesday 16th March 2022
Today we have looked at features of a biography.
First of all, do you think the text is Fiction or Non-Fiction?
Read the text through first, asking an adult to help you with the longer words.
You may need to discuss what some of the words mean - we talked about what a 'career' was and what The Ashes are.
Once you have read it through, complete the checklist below. Put a tick in the middle column once you have found it and the write up your evidence that you have found to match.
Today we have looked at features of a biography.
First of all, do you think the text is Fiction or Non-Fiction?
Read the text through first, asking an adult to help you with the longer words.
You may need to discuss what some of the words mean - we talked about what a 'career' was and what The Ashes are.
Once you have read it through, complete the checklist below. Put a tick in the middle column once you have found it and the write up your evidence that you have found to match.

16.3.22 - Biography Text and Checklist | |
File Size: | 412 kb |
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Today we have looked at the grapheme 'u-e'.
Watch the video below.
Have a go at putting sound buttons under these words and blending them together:
- prune
- cute
- tube
- cube
- rude
- June
- amuse
Can you read these sentences?
Can you put a huge cube in a tube? Will a complete prune contain a stone? Is it ever extremely rude to play a flute?
Today we have looked at the grapheme 'u-e'.
Watch the video below.
Have a go at putting sound buttons under these words and blending them together:
- prune
- cute
- tube
- cube
- rude
- June
- amuse
Can you read these sentences?
Can you put a huge cube in a tube? Will a complete prune contain a stone? Is it ever extremely rude to play a flute?
WALT: Tell the time (o'clock and half past)
To begin with, have a play on the time game we have been using this week.
Click here to access it.
We looked at o'clock and half past yesterday. Take some time to complete the worksheets below as a little bit of extra practice.
WALT: Tell the time (o'clock and half past)
To begin with, have a play on the time game we have been using this week.
Click here to access it.
We looked at o'clock and half past yesterday. Take some time to complete the worksheets below as a little bit of extra practice.

Year 1 - o'clock and half past - 16.3.22 | |
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Afternoon activities
Individual reading - 15 minutes
WALT: Recall the story of David and Goliath.
Last week we read and acted out the story of David and Goliath.
Can you answer these questions below?
- What was David's job?
- What animals had David killed when protecting his sheep?
- How many brothers did David have?
- How many stones did David pick up before he went to fight Goliath?
- The king's armor didn't fit David. He said he didn't need any armor anyways. Why?
Watch the video of David and Goliath below to jog your memory. Then, complete the story board below.
Individual reading - 15 minutes
WALT: Recall the story of David and Goliath.
Last week we read and acted out the story of David and Goliath.
Can you answer these questions below?
- What was David's job?
- What animals had David killed when protecting his sheep?
- How many brothers did David have?
- How many stones did David pick up before he went to fight Goliath?
- The king's armor didn't fit David. He said he didn't need any armor anyways. Why?
Watch the video of David and Goliath below to jog your memory. Then, complete the story board below.

Storyboard Blank | |
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Monday 14th March 2022
WALT: Use irregular past tense verbs correctly.
Watch the video below about irregular past tense verbs.
Complete the worksheet below.
WALT: Use irregular past tense verbs correctly.
Watch the video below about irregular past tense verbs.
Complete the worksheet below.

Year 1 - English - 14.3.22 | |
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Year 2 - English - 14.3.22 | |
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Year 2 - See Class 3's home learning page.
Year 1
WALT: Tell the time - o'clock.
Complete the worksheet below which focusses on telling the time to each hour.
Year 2 - See Class 3's home learning page.
Year 1
WALT: Tell the time - o'clock.
Complete the worksheet below which focusses on telling the time to each hour.

Year 1 - Maths - 14.3.22 | |
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Afternoon activities
Individual reading - 15 minutes
Last week we planned an investigation. We were going to use a rain gauge to collect rain water over a period of time to see whether weather forecasts are correct.
Today we will be making an rain gauge and writing a set of instructions.
You can have a go at making a rain gauge yourselves at home if you have the equipment, or you can write a set of instructions based on the video below.
Individual reading - 15 minutes
Last week we planned an investigation. We were going to use a rain gauge to collect rain water over a period of time to see whether weather forecasts are correct.
Today we will be making an rain gauge and writing a set of instructions.
You can have a go at making a rain gauge yourselves at home if you have the equipment, or you can write a set of instructions based on the video below.

instructions_-_rain_gauge.pdf | |
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Friday 11th March 2022
Spelling test
If you're feeling up to it, ask an adult to test you on this week's spellings. Good luck!
If you're feeling up to it, ask an adult to test you on this week's spellings. Good luck!
WALT: Write a diary entry as if we were Neil Armstrong.
To begin with, what information can you recall about Neil Armstrong?
What did he leave on the moon? Who did he go to space with? What was the name of the rocket and the capsule that broke off? What did they collect on the moon? Can you remember his famous words as he walked on the moon for the first time? Where did they land when they came back to Earth?
Your task today is to pretend to be Neil Armstrong and write a diary entry. You have just landed back on Earth after an incredible trip. Remember first person and all your punctuation!
You can use this opener to get you started...
Dear diary,
The trip I have just been on was amazing!
WALT: Write a diary entry as if we were Neil Armstrong.
To begin with, what information can you recall about Neil Armstrong?
What did he leave on the moon? Who did he go to space with? What was the name of the rocket and the capsule that broke off? What did they collect on the moon? Can you remember his famous words as he walked on the moon for the first time? Where did they land when they came back to Earth?
Your task today is to pretend to be Neil Armstrong and write a diary entry. You have just landed back on Earth after an incredible trip. Remember first person and all your punctuation!
You can use this opener to get you started...
Dear diary,
The trip I have just been on was amazing!
It's Friday challenge time!
Can you complete the problem solving activity below?
It's Friday challenge time!
Can you complete the problem solving activity below?
Thursday 10th March 2022
Today we have been focusing on our sentence punctuation.
Have a go at unjumbling the sentences on the worksheets below. Remember your full stops and capital letters when you write up each sentence.
Today we have been focusing on our sentence punctuation.
Have a go at unjumbling the sentences on the worksheets below. Remember your full stops and capital letters when you write up each sentence.
Year 1 - Today we have been looking at patterns in numbers to help with our addition and subtraction.
Have a go at the worksheet below.
Year 2 - Continuing with your work on column addition this week, can you complete the addition sums on the worksheet below using column addition?
Year 1 - Today we have been looking at patterns in numbers to help with our addition and subtraction.
Have a go at the worksheet below.
Year 2 - Continuing with your work on column addition this week, can you complete the addition sums on the worksheet below using column addition?
WALT: Know the outline of the story of David and Goliath.
Watch the video of David and Goliath.
Complete the interactive quiz afterwards.
WALT: Know the outline of the story of David and Goliath.
Watch the video of David and Goliath.
Complete the interactive quiz afterwards.
Thursday 3rd February
Today we are going to look at dictation to revise phase 5.
The sentences we are looking at today use the /ie/ and /ea/ sound.
If you can't remember these sounds, watch this video and this video.
Find yourself a lined piece of paper and a sharp pencil.
Can you write the following sentences down when an adult reads them to you? Take them word at t a time.
1) Oh no, I spied a fried pie.
2) We sit on a seat and read books near the sea.
3) Can a sheep repeat a bleat?
Today we are going to look at dictation to revise phase 5.
The sentences we are looking at today use the /ie/ and /ea/ sound.
If you can't remember these sounds, watch this video and this video.
Find yourself a lined piece of paper and a sharp pencil.
Can you write the following sentences down when an adult reads them to you? Take them word at t a time.
1) Oh no, I spied a fried pie.
2) We sit on a seat and read books near the sea.
3) Can a sheep repeat a bleat?
WALT: Share objects into equal groups.
WALT: Share objects into equal groups.

Year 1 - Maths - 3.2.22 | |
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Afternoon activities
P.E. - Find something active to do!
Individual Reading - 15 minutes
This term we have been learning to programme.
Click here to access the iLearn2 webpage.
Type in activity code PR99 and it should take you to the programming page.
1) Watch the video for Activity 4 and complete the activity by pressing the 'PLAY' button.
Please don't move on and watch any of the other videos as these will be used in future computing lessons.
P.E. - Find something active to do!
Individual Reading - 15 minutes
This term we have been learning to programme.
Click here to access the iLearn2 webpage.
Type in activity code PR99 and it should take you to the programming page.
1) Watch the video for Activity 4 and complete the activity by pressing the 'PLAY' button.
Please don't move on and watch any of the other videos as these will be used in future computing lessons.
Wednesday 2nd February
Today I would like you to think about the ending of the story Man on the Moon.
In the story, Bob comes home has his tea and a bath and then goes to sleep in the moonlight.
I would like you to think of 3 different endings to the story.
Bob comes home from the moon and arrives back in his house. What happens next?
Today I would like you to think about the ending of the story Man on the Moon.
In the story, Bob comes home has his tea and a bath and then goes to sleep in the moonlight.
I would like you to think of 3 different endings to the story.
Bob comes home from the moon and arrives back in his house. What happens next?

English - 2.2.22 - Alternative Ending Planning | |
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Today we are going to look at the tricky words oh, their, people
Complete the tricky word boards below.
Today we are going to look at the tricky words oh, their, people
Complete the tricky word boards below.

Oh, their, people tricky word boards | |
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WALT: Count in 2s, 5s and 10s to solve problems.
WALT: Count in 2s, 5s and 10s to solve problems.

Maths - Year 1 - 2.2.22 | |
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Afternoon activities
Take some time to practise your ZigZag monster letters.
Take some time to practise your ZigZag monster letters.

ZigZag Monster Letters | |
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WALT: Know how and why Jewish people celebrate Shabbat.
WALT: Know how and why Jewish people celebrate Shabbat.

shabbat-worksheet.pdf | |
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shabbat_powerpoint.pdf | |
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Tuesday 1st February
WALT: Write full sentences independently.
Your task today is to find 5 items around your house that are interesting or you enjoy using!
Write an interesting sentence about each item using your knowledge of adjectives from yesterday.
Remember to use full stops and capital letters and keep an eye on your handwriting.
WALT: Write full sentences independently.
Your task today is to find 5 items around your house that are interesting or you enjoy using!
Write an interesting sentence about each item using your knowledge of adjectives from yesterday.
Remember to use full stops and capital letters and keep an eye on your handwriting.
Today we are going to look at dictation to revise phase 5.
The sentences we are looking at today use the /ay/ and /ou/ sound.
If you can't remember these sounds, watch this video and this video.
Find yourself a lined piece of paper and a sharp pencil.
Can you write the following sentences down when an adult reads them to you? Take them word at t a time.
1) Can a stray cat play?
2) Can a sprout be proud?
3) The clouds are around all day.
Today we are going to look at dictation to revise phase 5.
The sentences we are looking at today use the /ay/ and /ou/ sound.
If you can't remember these sounds, watch this video and this video.
Find yourself a lined piece of paper and a sharp pencil.
Can you write the following sentences down when an adult reads them to you? Take them word at t a time.
1) Can a stray cat play?
2) Can a sprout be proud?
3) The clouds are around all day.
WALT: Read numbers to 100.
Today we are going to be looking at numbers up to 100.
Play the 100 Square Race game below with someone from home to begin with.
See if you can read all of the numbers you land on.
Then, cut out and complete the 100 square jigsaw below.
If you have time, colour in the 2 times table blue, the 5 times table pink and the 10 times table green.
WALT: Read numbers to 100.
Today we are going to be looking at numbers up to 100.
Play the 100 Square Race game below with someone from home to begin with.
See if you can read all of the numbers you land on.
Then, cut out and complete the 100 square jigsaw below.
If you have time, colour in the 2 times table blue, the 5 times table pink and the 10 times table green.

100 Square Race Game | |
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100 Square Jigsaw | |
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Afternoon activities
Individual Reading - 15 minutes
WALT: Know about significant individuals from the past who have contributed to international achievements.
Following on from our Humanities lesson last week where we looked at Yuri Gagarin and his achievements, we are going to look at another significant individual who has made history regarding space exploration.
1) Read the fact file about Valentina Tereshkova.
2) Complete the fact file with the information you have learnt.
Individual Reading - 15 minutes
WALT: Know about significant individuals from the past who have contributed to international achievements.
Following on from our Humanities lesson last week where we looked at Yuri Gagarin and his achievements, we are going to look at another significant individual who has made history regarding space exploration.
1) Read the fact file about Valentina Tereshkova.
2) Complete the fact file with the information you have learnt.

Valentina Tereshkova Fact File | |
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Fact File writing frame | |
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Monday 31st January
We are continuing with our work using Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram.
Today we are looking at our word choices and how they can effect how interesting a sentence is.
Complete the worksheet below which looks at adjectives.
We are continuing with our work using Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram.
Today we are looking at our word choices and how they can effect how interesting a sentence is.
Complete the worksheet below which looks at adjectives.

English - 31.1.22 - Adjectives | |
File Size: | 86 kb |
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Continuing with our work on the split digraphs (a-e, o-e, e-e, i-e, u-e).
Complete the picture and caption matching activity below.
Continuing with our work on the split digraphs (a-e, o-e, e-e, i-e, u-e).
Complete the picture and caption matching activity below.

Phase 5 Split Digraphs Picture and Caption matching | |
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Today we are looking at arrays.
Watch the video below and then complete the worksheet.
If you have any extra time, can you see if you can spot any real life arrays (e.g. window panes) or even try and make some of your own using household items?
Today we are looking at arrays.
Watch the video below and then complete the worksheet.
If you have any extra time, can you see if you can spot any real life arrays (e.g. window panes) or even try and make some of your own using household items?

Maths - 31.1.22 | |
File Size: | 118 kb |
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Today we are looking at the different weather we may have here in the UK.
Complete the worksheet below.
Today we are looking at the different weather we may have here in the UK.
Complete the worksheet below.

weather_-_lesson_1.pdf | |
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Friday 28th January
I hope you enjoyed writing your diary entry with an adult yesterday!
Today it's your turn but this time on your own.
I have attached the lined paper again for you but also a writing checklist. How many can you include in your writing?
I hope you enjoyed writing your diary entry with an adult yesterday!
Today it's your turn but this time on your own.
I have attached the lined paper again for you but also a writing checklist. How many can you include in your writing?

Diary writing checklist | |
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Space themed lined paper | |
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It's spelling test time!
Ask an adult to test you on your spellings today. Good luck!
It's spelling test time!
Ask an adult to test you on your spellings today. Good luck!

Year 1 Mental Maths Questions and Answer Sheet - 28.1.22 | |
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Year 2 Mental Maths Question and Answer Sheet - 28.1.22 | |
File Size: | 80 kb |
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Afternoon activities
Individual reading - 15 minutes
On a Friday in school we have music. As you can imagine it's not the easiest subject to put online for you so I would like you to use this time to do something you enjoy. It can be music related if you like, perhaps you could ask an adult to join in too? You could pop some of your favourite music on and have a singsong and dance? It's completely up to you but make sure it puts a smile on your face!
Happy Weekend!
Individual reading - 15 minutes
On a Friday in school we have music. As you can imagine it's not the easiest subject to put online for you so I would like you to use this time to do something you enjoy. It can be music related if you like, perhaps you could ask an adult to join in too? You could pop some of your favourite music on and have a singsong and dance? It's completely up to you but make sure it puts a smile on your face!
Happy Weekend!
Thursday 27th January
Yesterday you looked at features of a diary.
Today your task is to start looking at writing a diary entry as if you were Bob from the story Man on the Moon.
In school we will be doing a guided write in two groups.
If you can remember from guided writes before, this is where an adult does all the writing but you come up with all the ideas for us to put into sentences. We would split into 2 groups, use the flipchart paper at the front of the classroom and as a a group we would write two diary entries and then share and compare them at the end of the lesson.
Your task today is to ask an adult very kindly if they can help you with a first draft of a diary entry.
You may want to refresh your memory of the story beforehand.
To begin with, start with writing a little list of all the things you are going to talk about in the diary e.g. what you did in the day, what time you got up, something exciting that happened etc.
If your adult is willing to do the writing then brilliant! If not, get your pencil ready..
How are you going to start the diary?
What time connectives can you use to start sentences?
How can you get your feelings into your writing?
What connectives can you use to extend your sentences?
Yesterday you looked at features of a diary.
Today your task is to start looking at writing a diary entry as if you were Bob from the story Man on the Moon.
In school we will be doing a guided write in two groups.
If you can remember from guided writes before, this is where an adult does all the writing but you come up with all the ideas for us to put into sentences. We would split into 2 groups, use the flipchart paper at the front of the classroom and as a a group we would write two diary entries and then share and compare them at the end of the lesson.
Your task today is to ask an adult very kindly if they can help you with a first draft of a diary entry.
You may want to refresh your memory of the story beforehand.
To begin with, start with writing a little list of all the things you are going to talk about in the diary e.g. what you did in the day, what time you got up, something exciting that happened etc.
If your adult is willing to do the writing then brilliant! If not, get your pencil ready..
How are you going to start the diary?
What time connectives can you use to start sentences?
How can you get your feelings into your writing?
What connectives can you use to extend your sentences?

Spaced themed lined paper | |
File Size: | 393 kb |
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Year 1
Introduce We are learning to spell the tricky words: said, so, have, like.
Practise spelling the tricky words said, so, have, like.
Apply Read a sentence - My nephew said the alphabet. Will a dolphin whisper so that he can have a throat sweet? An elephant said he flew like a bird.
Year 1
Introduce We are learning to spell the tricky words: said, so, have, like.
Practise spelling the tricky words said, so, have, like.
Apply Read a sentence - My nephew said the alphabet. Will a dolphin whisper so that he can have a throat sweet? An elephant said he flew like a bird.

Tricky word practise sheet | |
File Size: | 229 kb |
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Year 2
Alternative pronunciation for /ai/
Have a look at the Phonics Poster below. Can you remember all of the different ways of saying the /ai/ sound?
Have a read through the story 'Sid the Snail'.
How many different words can you find with the alternative /ai/ sounds?
Alternative pronunciation for /ai/
Have a look at the Phonics Poster below. Can you remember all of the different ways of saying the /ai/ sound?
Have a read through the story 'Sid the Snail'.
How many different words can you find with the alternative /ai/ sounds?

Alternative spelling /ai/ poster | |
File Size: | 303 kb |
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Sid the Snail story | |
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Year 1
WALT: Count in 10s.
Year 1
WALT: Count in 10s.

Maths - Year 1 - 27.1.22 | |
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Year 2
WALT: Understand multiplication and division facts for the 10 times table.
Complete the worksheets below to revise the 10 times table.
Once you have finished, take some time to play on TTRS!
WALT: Understand multiplication and division facts for the 10 times table.
Complete the worksheets below to revise the 10 times table.
Once you have finished, take some time to play on TTRS!

Maths - Year 2 - Sheet 1 - 27.1.22 | |
File Size: | 135 kb |
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Maths - Year 2 - Sheet 2 - 27.1.22 | |
File Size: | 135 kb |
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Afternoon activities
P.E. - Find something active to do!
Individual Reading - 15 minutes
Handwriting - 15 minutes
Take some time to practise all the letters in the 'ladder' family (There's a poster attached below).
l, t, j, i, u, y
This term we have been learning to programme.
Click here to access the iLearn2 webpage.
Type in activity code PR99 and it should take you to the programming page.
1) Watch the 'program the robot' video for Activity 3 and complete the activity by pressing the 'PLAY' button.
2) Watch the 'Beebot' video for Activity 3 and complete the activity by pressing the 'PLAY' button.
Please don't move on and watch any of the other videos as these will be used in future computing lessons.
P.E. - Find something active to do!
Individual Reading - 15 minutes
Handwriting - 15 minutes
Take some time to practise all the letters in the 'ladder' family (There's a poster attached below).
l, t, j, i, u, y
This term we have been learning to programme.
Click here to access the iLearn2 webpage.
Type in activity code PR99 and it should take you to the programming page.
1) Watch the 'program the robot' video for Activity 3 and complete the activity by pressing the 'PLAY' button.
2) Watch the 'Beebot' video for Activity 3 and complete the activity by pressing the 'PLAY' button.
Please don't move on and watch any of the other videos as these will be used in future computing lessons.

Ladder Letters Poster | |
File Size: | 1364 kb |
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Wednesday 26th January
English (Year 1 and 2)
Today we are going to be looking at features of a diary entry.
Read the diary entry example below and then complete the worksheet.
You will need to know all of the features to help you with you work for the rest of this week!
Today we are going to be looking at features of a diary entry.
Read the diary entry example below and then complete the worksheet.
You will need to know all of the features to help you with you work for the rest of this week!
Today we are going to look at revising some of our split digraphs.
Complete the following worksheet focusing on the a-e, i-e and o-e digraphs.
Complete page 1
Today we are going to look at revising some of our split digraphs.
Complete the following worksheet focusing on the a-e, i-e and o-e digraphs.
Complete page 1

Phonics 26.1.22 | |
File Size: | 315 kb |
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Year 1
WALT: Find the total by counting in 5s.
Following on from yesterday's lesson, today we are going to look at finding a total by counting in 5s.
Complete the worksheet below.
1) Read the word problem. What two numbers is it giving you?
2) Draw the word problem.
3) Complete the number sentence with the answer.
Year 1
WALT: Find the total by counting in 5s.
Following on from yesterday's lesson, today we are going to look at finding a total by counting in 5s.
Complete the worksheet below.
1) Read the word problem. What two numbers is it giving you?
2) Draw the word problem.
3) Complete the number sentence with the answer.

Maths - Year 1 - 26.1.22 | |
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Year 2
WALT: Use division facts for the 5 times table.
Year 2
WALT: Use division facts for the 5 times table.

Maths - Year 2 - 26.1.2022 - Sheet 1 | |
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Maths - Year 2 - 26.1.22 - Sheet 2 | |
File Size: | 286 kb |
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Afternoon activities
Individual reading - 15 minutes
On a Wednesday afternoon, we usually have P.E. for an hour. Try to find something active to do (if you're feeling up to it!) instead.
WALT: Know what a Mezuzah is and why it is special in Judaism.
Last week we looked at different special items that you would find in a Jewish home.
Watch this video to begin with - a guided tour around a Jewish home.
Explain that the mezuzah is incredibly important to Jewish people, not just because of the case on the outside, but because of what is inside too. Written on the scroll is the Jewish prayer the ‘Shema’ “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.” – listen to a recording of the Shema in Hebrew.
Think together how many Jewish people display the important words of the Shema in their homes inside mezuzot, kiss a mezuzah when they walk past and remember to say the shema two times every single day. This means many Jewish people must think about the very important words in the Shema a lot of times each day!
Look together at the first line of Hebrew writing – this states an important Jewish belief about God. Read a translation of this to your child and ask them to think what the first line of the Shema tells Jewish people about God. Translation: ‘Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.’
The key point here is the Jewish belief in one God.
"Explain to pupils that ‘Hear O Israel’ is a way of saying ‘Attention!’ or ‘Listen up!’, so the first line of the Shema is really telling Jewish people to pay attention to one of their most important beliefs of all – the belief in one God. Play some calm background music and allow pupils some time to reflect on one of their most important beliefs of all – is it a belief about God? Nature? How to behave? etc Ask pupils to say their belief in the same way as Jewish people show their important belief in one God at the start of the Shema, ie by calling for attention and then saying who needs to listen to their wise words e.g. ‘Attention class…’/‘Listen up everyone in our town…’/’Attention everyone in the world…’. Pupils can do this orally, or write down their important belief message onto a speech bubble."
Remind pupils that they have only learnt what the first line of the writing in the mezuzah says. There are plenty more messages in the Shema. For example, one sentence says. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. Ask pupils to pick out the key words here and work out together what it means.
Which words would pupils like to have displayed to remember every single day? Their important belief messages that started with attention/listen up? A class rule? Some different words that they write together? Decide on which words to use.
Create a bookmark with words important to you to keep with you for the next week.
Individual reading - 15 minutes
On a Wednesday afternoon, we usually have P.E. for an hour. Try to find something active to do (if you're feeling up to it!) instead.
WALT: Know what a Mezuzah is and why it is special in Judaism.
Last week we looked at different special items that you would find in a Jewish home.
Watch this video to begin with - a guided tour around a Jewish home.
Explain that the mezuzah is incredibly important to Jewish people, not just because of the case on the outside, but because of what is inside too. Written on the scroll is the Jewish prayer the ‘Shema’ “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.” – listen to a recording of the Shema in Hebrew.
Think together how many Jewish people display the important words of the Shema in their homes inside mezuzot, kiss a mezuzah when they walk past and remember to say the shema two times every single day. This means many Jewish people must think about the very important words in the Shema a lot of times each day!
Look together at the first line of Hebrew writing – this states an important Jewish belief about God. Read a translation of this to your child and ask them to think what the first line of the Shema tells Jewish people about God. Translation: ‘Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.’
The key point here is the Jewish belief in one God.
"Explain to pupils that ‘Hear O Israel’ is a way of saying ‘Attention!’ or ‘Listen up!’, so the first line of the Shema is really telling Jewish people to pay attention to one of their most important beliefs of all – the belief in one God. Play some calm background music and allow pupils some time to reflect on one of their most important beliefs of all – is it a belief about God? Nature? How to behave? etc Ask pupils to say their belief in the same way as Jewish people show their important belief in one God at the start of the Shema, ie by calling for attention and then saying who needs to listen to their wise words e.g. ‘Attention class…’/‘Listen up everyone in our town…’/’Attention everyone in the world…’. Pupils can do this orally, or write down their important belief message onto a speech bubble."
Remind pupils that they have only learnt what the first line of the writing in the mezuzah says. There are plenty more messages in the Shema. For example, one sentence says. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. Ask pupils to pick out the key words here and work out together what it means.
Which words would pupils like to have displayed to remember every single day? Their important belief messages that started with attention/listen up? A class rule? Some different words that they write together? Decide on which words to use.
Create a bookmark with words important to you to keep with you for the next week.

Bookmark templates | |
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Tuesday 25th January
English (Year 1 and Year 2)
Today's task is going to involve you taking on two roles; the interviewer and Bob!
I would like you to think of 4 questions you would like to ask Bob, the man on the moon, if you were to ever meet him.
Write these 4 questions in the black boxes on your worksheet - remember your question mark!
Then, I would like you to use your first person skills you practiced yesterday to answer the questions as if you were Bob. Write the responses in the red boxes.
Today's task is going to involve you taking on two roles; the interviewer and Bob!
I would like you to think of 4 questions you would like to ask Bob, the man on the moon, if you were to ever meet him.
Write these 4 questions in the black boxes on your worksheet - remember your question mark!
Then, I would like you to use your first person skills you practiced yesterday to answer the questions as if you were Bob. Write the responses in the red boxes.

English - 25.1.22 - Interviewing Bob. | |
File Size: | 76 kb |
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Take this time to practice your spellings for the week.
Take this time to practice your spellings for the week.
Year 1
WALT: Count in 5s.
Year 1
WALT: Count in 5s.

Year 1 Maths - 25.1.22 | |
File Size: | 135 kb |
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Year 2
WALT: Know multiplication facts for the 5 times table.
Complete the worksheet below. We have covered the 5 times table previously so this shouldn't take you too long.
Once you have finished, take some time to play on TTRS to make sure you know the multiplication and division facts super quickly!
WALT: Know multiplication facts for the 5 times table.
Complete the worksheet below. We have covered the 5 times table previously so this shouldn't take you too long.
Once you have finished, take some time to play on TTRS to make sure you know the multiplication and division facts super quickly!

Year 2 Maths - 25.1.22 | |
File Size: | 138 kb |
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Afternoon activities
Individual reading - 15 minutes
WALT: know about significant individuals from the past - Yuri Gagarin.
Individual reading - 15 minutes
WALT: know about significant individuals from the past - Yuri Gagarin.

Humanities - 25.1.22 - Yuri Gagarin timeline | |
File Size: | 64 kb |
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Humanities - 25.1.22 - Yuri Gagarin fact file | |
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Monday 24th January
Today we are going to be writing in the first person. We are going to be pretending we are Bob from the story Man on the Moon.
Use this BBC Bitesize page to refresh your memory about first person.
Your task today:
Write three sentences in the first person.
You will need to use the pronouns I or we.
Use the success criteria at the top of the page to help improve your sentences.
An example:
I can't believe it has taken me a hour to clean up the mess those silly astronauts left on the moon last night.
Today we are going to be writing in the first person. We are going to be pretending we are Bob from the story Man on the Moon.
Use this BBC Bitesize page to refresh your memory about first person.
Your task today:
Write three sentences in the first person.
You will need to use the pronouns I or we.
Use the success criteria at the top of the page to help improve your sentences.
An example:
I can't believe it has taken me a hour to clean up the mess those silly astronauts left on the moon last night.

24.1.22 - MOTM - English - First person | |
File Size: | 233 kb |
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Year 2
WALT: Know multiplication and division facts for the 2 times table.
Complete the worksheet below.
If you have time, have a play on TTRS.
Year 2
WALT: Know multiplication and division facts for the 2 times table.
Complete the worksheet below.
If you have time, have a play on TTRS.

Year 2 - Maths - 24.1.22 | |
File Size: | 466 kb |
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Afternoon activities
Individual reading - 15 minutes.
WALT: Know how trees and plants change throughout the seasons.
Starter - Set a 2 minute timer.
How many different facts can you recall about the seasons in 2 minutes? GO!
1) Watch the video below.
2) Complete the reading comprehension about deciduous and evergreen trees (Set A)
Individual reading - 15 minutes.
WALT: Know how trees and plants change throughout the seasons.
Starter - Set a 2 minute timer.
How many different facts can you recall about the seasons in 2 minutes? GO!
1) Watch the video below.
2) Complete the reading comprehension about deciduous and evergreen trees (Set A)

Science - Year 2 - Reading comprehension | |
File Size: | 823 kb |
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Friday 21st January
Continue with your story map from yesterday.
It's spelling test time!
Ask an adult to test you on your spellings today. Good luck!
Continue with your story map from yesterday.
It's spelling test time!
Ask an adult to test you on your spellings today. Good luck!

Spring Term 2 Arithmetic Test | |
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Afternoon activities
Individual reading - 15 minutes
On a Friday in school we have music. As you can imagine it's not the easiest subject to put online for you so I would like you to use this time to do something you enjoy. It can be music related if you like, perhaps you could ask an adult to join in too? You could pop some of your favourite music on and have a singsong and dance? It's completely up to you but make sure it puts a smile on your face!
Happy Weekend!
Individual reading - 15 minutes
On a Friday in school we have music. As you can imagine it's not the easiest subject to put online for you so I would like you to use this time to do something you enjoy. It can be music related if you like, perhaps you could ask an adult to join in too? You could pop some of your favourite music on and have a singsong and dance? It's completely up to you but make sure it puts a smile on your face!
Happy Weekend!
Thursday 20th January
English - To be completed over two days.
Today we are going to be continuing with our work on Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram.
First of all. watch the video of the story below to jog your memory. Keep an ear out for the times mentioned as you'll need these for today's task.
Once you have watched the video, your task is to complete the story board below. You need to write the section of the story for each time stated. Before you begin writing, I would like you to pick 3 things you would like to include and pop these in the success criteria box in the top right hand corner (this could be anything from making sure you've got capital letters to including apostrophes for contraction).
Here's an example of what I would expect for each box in school if you're unsure what to write.
6 o'clock.
Bob leapt out of bed because his alarm had started to ring loudly. He quickly got himself dressed and had two delicious eggs and a cup of tea for his breakfast.
Today we are going to be continuing with our work on Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram.
First of all. watch the video of the story below to jog your memory. Keep an ear out for the times mentioned as you'll need these for today's task.
Once you have watched the video, your task is to complete the story board below. You need to write the section of the story for each time stated. Before you begin writing, I would like you to pick 3 things you would like to include and pop these in the success criteria box in the top right hand corner (this could be anything from making sure you've got capital letters to including apostrophes for contraction).
Here's an example of what I would expect for each box in school if you're unsure what to write.
6 o'clock.
Bob leapt out of bed because his alarm had started to ring loudly. He quickly got himself dressed and had two delicious eggs and a cup of tea for his breakfast.

English - Man on the Moon Time Connectives Story Map - 20.1 - 21.1 | |
File Size: | 477 kb |
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Take the time today to practise your spellings ready for your test tomorrow!
Take the time today to practise your spellings ready for your test tomorrow!
Continuing on with our shape work this week.
Complete the following 'Picture maths' below.
If you're not able to print the document, you could ask an adult to ask you the questions and you can have a discussion about each one instead. It can be just as valuable as writing it all down.
Continuing on with our shape work this week.
Complete the following 'Picture maths' below.
If you're not able to print the document, you could ask an adult to ask you the questions and you can have a discussion about each one instead. It can be just as valuable as writing it all down.
Afternoon activities
Individual reading - 15 minutes
This term we have been learning to programme.
Click here to access the iLearn2 webpage.
Type in activity code PR99 and it should take you to the programming page.
Watch the first video for Activity 3 and complete the activity by pressing the 'PLAY' button.
Please don't move on and watch any of the other videos as these will be used in future computing lessons.
Individual reading - 15 minutes
This term we have been learning to programme.
Click here to access the iLearn2 webpage.
Type in activity code PR99 and it should take you to the programming page.
Watch the first video for Activity 3 and complete the activity by pressing the 'PLAY' button.
Please don't move on and watch any of the other videos as these will be used in future computing lessons.
Wednesday 19th January
On Tuesday, we looked at adverbs.
An adverb is simply a word that describes the verb.
The children ran quickly through the playground.
Work your way through this BBC bitesize page to help jog your memory.
During English today we have continued with our work from Tuesday.
I have attached the worksheets from Tuesday for you to complete at home. You can complete the first sheet (collecting adverbs for the pictures) if you find it helps you when it comes to writing your sentences.
Try to write at least 4 sentences, ticking off as much of the success criteria as you can!
On Tuesday, we looked at adverbs.
An adverb is simply a word that describes the verb.
The children ran quickly through the playground.
Work your way through this BBC bitesize page to help jog your memory.
During English today we have continued with our work from Tuesday.
I have attached the worksheets from Tuesday for you to complete at home. You can complete the first sheet (collecting adverbs for the pictures) if you find it helps you when it comes to writing your sentences.
Try to write at least 4 sentences, ticking off as much of the success criteria as you can!

English - 19.1.22 - Adverbs | |
File Size: | 394 kb |
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Year 2 - In phonics this week you have been looking at alternative pronunciations for the /ee/ sound.
I have a challenge for you!
Can you find all of the different words that contain variations of the /ee/ sound in the story below?
I have a challenge for you!
Can you find all of the different words that contain variations of the /ee/ sound in the story below?

Alternative pronunciations for /ee/ Phoneme spotter story | |
File Size: | 559 kb |
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This week we have been looking at 3D shape.
Work your way through this BBC bitesize page to refresh your memory about faces, edges and vertices.
Then, complete the page below from your maths workbook.
This week we have been looking at 3D shape.
Work your way through this BBC bitesize page to refresh your memory about faces, edges and vertices.
Then, complete the page below from your maths workbook.

Year 2 - Maths - 19.1.22 | |
File Size: | 124 kb |
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Afternoon activities
Individual reading - 15 minutes
Our first Art lesson of this term is focusing on the artist Georgia O'Keeffe.
Have a read through the information below and answer the questions afterwards.
Individual reading - 15 minutes
Our first Art lesson of this term is focusing on the artist Georgia O'Keeffe.
Have a read through the information below and answer the questions afterwards.

Georgia O'Keeffe Reading Comprehension | |
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