E-Safety Resources for Parents
E-safety is taught as part of the computing curriculum. We also provide information to parents in order to reinforce these messages at home.
We've built a collection of useful documents and websites for parents to support parents in keeping their children safe online, which can be accessed below.
If you have concern about your child's safety online, please contact CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre).
If you find additional resources that you think would be useful to share, please contact us and we'll be happy to share it.
Please note: the school cannot be held responsible for the content of external sites.
We've built a collection of useful documents and websites for parents to support parents in keeping their children safe online, which can be accessed below.
If you have concern about your child's safety online, please contact CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre).
If you find additional resources that you think would be useful to share, please contact us and we'll be happy to share it.
Please note: the school cannot be held responsible for the content of external sites.
School e-safety policyWe have a number of policies to keep children safe, please see our policies and procedures section.
How risky is that app?
Know your Snapchats from your WhatsApps. This useful site from NSPCC details social networking sites that children might use and the risks associated with each. (external site)
You can also download the app for Android and iOs devices. Life in Likes - Report
Report from the Children's Commissioner, January 2018
Slides from e-safety event for parentsEvery couple of years we hold e-safety information evenings for parents. If you are/were unable to attend these in person, the slides can be found below.
If you want more advice or information about e-safety, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Advice on cyber-bullying
Get advice for parents on cyberbullying from the DFE - how to spot it and how to prevent it. (external site)
Get free web filtering softwareFree web filtering software is available from K9. Click here to visit the site. Trusted by millions, (including headteachers) (external link)
Advice from NSPCC
There's a wealth of advice about keeping safe online from the NSPCC. The site includes details of a telephone hotline to get advice on a whole range of e-safety issues.
Internet MattersInternetMatters.org provides a wide range of advice and resources for parents/carers. Click on the image above to access this site.
Turn parental controls on!
Learn how to turn parental controls on a variety of devices, activate filters for your broadband and much more. Click here (external site)
Don't be an accidental outlaw!
Stay the right side of the law online! Take this quiz and test your knowledge of the law online Most adults in the UK score 44% (worryingly!) How well with you do? (external site)
Concerned? Visit CEOP
The National Crime Agency's CEOP Command (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account.
If you need advice, or are concerned about your child's internet use, visit the CEOP site. Can't find the answer here?
Please feel free to get in touch with us if there is a query or question relating to keeping safe online.
The school subscribes to parent info (from CEOP and Parentzone) to bring you the latest articles and advice on e-safety)