The Trinity Curriculum
Our school, as part of the Christian community, will value and nurture each individual.
We aim to ensure children reach their full potential - building resilience and gaining the knowledge and experience to become compassionate and respectful global citizens. Children will be encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle, become confident in their abilities and talents and be given opportunities to be inquisitive through an ambitious curriculum.
We aim to ensure children reach their full potential - building resilience and gaining the knowledge and experience to become compassionate and respectful global citizens. Children will be encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle, become confident in their abilities and talents and be given opportunities to be inquisitive through an ambitious curriculum.
Curriculum Design
Our knowledge-based curriculum has been specifically designed to fit within the context and locality of the school and is designed for children to develop an interconnected web of knowledge with the intent of providing pupils with a variety of opportunities to enable our pupils 'to know more, remember more, in order to achieve more'.
The diagram below details how our curriculum is structured.
The diagram below details how our curriculum is structured.
Curriculum Structure Diagram | |
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Key Drivers
To achieve our vision, we have identified four key drivers that will run throughout our curriculum to ensure children are equipped with the essential knowledge and skills for their future education. These four key drivers also allow children to be provided with opportunities to demonstrate and establish our 7 core values of our school.
Creativity (Links to values: Inquisitive, Resilient & Ambitious)
We would like our children to engage and use their knowledge and skills in a variety of creative ways. We will give the children opportunities to be imaginative, to use experiences and observations to make connections in their learning and appreciate that learning can be accomplished in different forms.
Koinonia (Links to values: Respectful, Compassionate & Global Citizens)
Koinonia is a biblical reference and the Greek word for ‘fellowship’. Our school is proud to be part of the Christian community and we aim to explore Christian beliefs and practices, develop a sense of community spirit, celebrate diversity and help pupils understand their place in the world.
Healthy Lifestyle (Links to values: Healthy & Resilient)
It is important to us that all members of our school community are healthy both physically and mentally. Throughout our curriculum we will seek opportunities to encourage children to lead a healthy lifestyle and to help pupils develop the physical and mental strength to be successful and happy.
Natural World (Links to values: Inquisitive, Respect & Global Citizens)
We will aim to develop the pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the world, providing opportunities for learning within and beyond the classroom. We will foster an attitude of care and respect where children understand how actions and decisions impact upon the world, both within the local and global environment.
Creativity (Links to values: Inquisitive, Resilient & Ambitious)
We would like our children to engage and use their knowledge and skills in a variety of creative ways. We will give the children opportunities to be imaginative, to use experiences and observations to make connections in their learning and appreciate that learning can be accomplished in different forms.
Koinonia (Links to values: Respectful, Compassionate & Global Citizens)
Koinonia is a biblical reference and the Greek word for ‘fellowship’. Our school is proud to be part of the Christian community and we aim to explore Christian beliefs and practices, develop a sense of community spirit, celebrate diversity and help pupils understand their place in the world.
Healthy Lifestyle (Links to values: Healthy & Resilient)
It is important to us that all members of our school community are healthy both physically and mentally. Throughout our curriculum we will seek opportunities to encourage children to lead a healthy lifestyle and to help pupils develop the physical and mental strength to be successful and happy.
Natural World (Links to values: Inquisitive, Respect & Global Citizens)
We will aim to develop the pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the world, providing opportunities for learning within and beyond the classroom. We will foster an attitude of care and respect where children understand how actions and decisions impact upon the world, both within the local and global environment.
Curriculum Map & Strand Tracker
Due to mixed-aged classes, our Curriculum is organised on a 2 and 4 year rolling programme, as set out within our Curriculum Map, to ensure there is full coverage of the national curriculum.
Humanities topics are the main theme for each term for KS1 and KS2 and cross-curricular links are made, where appropriate, as we believe that children learn best when they can make links and connections between subjects. These cross-curricular links, as well as links to our Key Drivers, are set out within our Strand Tracker.
Within our approach, children will need to revisit key components of knowledge to enable them to deepen their understanding. Our aim is for children to 'know more, remember more, in order to achieve more' with the knowledge they acquire from across the curriculum.
Humanities topics are the main theme for each term for KS1 and KS2 and cross-curricular links are made, where appropriate, as we believe that children learn best when they can make links and connections between subjects. These cross-curricular links, as well as links to our Key Drivers, are set out within our Strand Tracker.
Within our approach, children will need to revisit key components of knowledge to enable them to deepen their understanding. Our aim is for children to 'know more, remember more, in order to achieve more' with the knowledge they acquire from across the curriculum.
Curriculum Map | |
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Curriculum Review - Strand Tracker | |
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Pupils are exposed to a range of genres and stimuli that provide a rich English curriculum through a cross-curricular approach, predominately driven by our Humanities or Science units of work for each Term. This will support children's reading and vocabulary which in turn will enable them to access the wider curriculum and become fluent writers.
At Trinity, we use the Busy Ant Maths scheme to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum with clear sequencing and progression of lessons to build knowledge over time. Teachers will supplement this scheme with a variety of resources to support pupils with SEND, and to challenge more able pupils with Mastery tasks.
In science, children develop their understanding of the knowledge and skills through engaging lessons, including practical investigations and explorations.
Using a Progression Grid and Knowledge Organiser for each unit of work, which are updated half termly/termly, teachers plan and deliver well-sequenced and focused lessons that build upon prior knowledge and key concepts/components within and between each unit.
We have forged a fruitful working partnership with Mary Webb School and Science College to support children's transition to KS3 through STEAM projects and 'Junior Scientists' for children in Year 6.
Using a Progression Grid and Knowledge Organiser for each unit of work, which are updated half termly/termly, teachers plan and deliver well-sequenced and focused lessons that build upon prior knowledge and key concepts/components within and between each unit.
We have forged a fruitful working partnership with Mary Webb School and Science College to support children's transition to KS3 through STEAM projects and 'Junior Scientists' for children in Year 6.
Science - Progression | |
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Science - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A | |
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Science - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B | |
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Science - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A | |
File Size: | 2097 kb |
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Science - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B | |
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Foundation Subjects
Foundation Subjects are logically sequenced with focused objectives using a Progression Grid and Knowledge Organiser for each unit of work, which are updated half termly/termly. Teachers use these documents to ensure that teaching and learning is focused in each class/year group on the key concepts/components and on the key knowledge to be learnt within each unit.
Component Tracker
Our Component Tracker outlines the components/concepts of knowledge to be learnt in each unit of work in each Foundation Subject. They are designed to support teachers in planning for each unit of work and enable the knowledge and skills to be developed sequentially and support long term memory. The components are tracked across each unit of work in order for children to make connections between them through a 'spiraling' curriculum.
Component Tracker - Foundation Subjects | |
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Art Pedagogy & References | |
File Size: | 1700 kb |
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Art - Progression Grid | |
File Size: | 450 kb |
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Art - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A1 | |
File Size: | 509 kb |
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Art - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A1 | |
File Size: | 703 kb |
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Art - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A2 | |
File Size: | 192 kb |
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Art - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A2 | |
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Art - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B1 | |
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Art - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B1 | |
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Art - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B2 | |
File Size: | 612 kb |
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Art - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B2 | |
File Size: | 664 kb |
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Computing - Progression of Knowledge & Skills - Year A & B | |
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D&T - Design & Technology
D&T Pedagogy | |
File Size: | 821 kb |
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D&T - Progression Grid | |
File Size: | 484 kb |
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D&T - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A1 | |
File Size: | 614 kb |
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D&T - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A1 | |
File Size: | 668 kb |
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D&T - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A2 | |
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D&T - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A2 | |
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D&T - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B1 | |
File Size: | 181 kb |
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D&T - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B1 | |
File Size: | 225 kb |
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D&T - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B2 | |
File Size: | 519 kb |
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D&T - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B2 | |
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Humanities - History & Geography
Humanities - Progression | |
File Size: | 495 kb |
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Humanities - Working as a Historian | |
File Size: | 146 kb |
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Humanities - Working as a Geographer | |
File Size: | 153 kb |
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Humanities - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A1 | |
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Humanities - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A1 | |
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Humanities - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B1 | |
File Size: | 182 kb |
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Humanities - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B1 | |
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Humanities - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A2 | |
File Size: | 223 kb |
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Humanities - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A2 | |
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Humanities - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B2 | |
File Size: | 503 kb |
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Humanities - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B2 | |
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MFL - Modern Foreign Language
MFL - Progression | |
File Size: | 352 kb |
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MFL - KS2 - Scheme of Work | |
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At Trinity, we work closely with our local Secondary School to plan and deliver French to prepare children in KS2 for the Secondary MFL syllabus.
Music - Scheme (SMS) | |
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Music - Progression (SMS) | |
File Size: | 362 kb |
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How Dfe MMC relates to SMS Progression | |
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Music Overview - KS1 - Autumn Term Example | |
File Size: | 68 kb |
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Music Overview - KS1 - Spring Term Example | |
File Size: | 41 kb |
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Music Overview - KS1 - Summer Term Example | |
File Size: | 60 kb |
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Music - KS1 Singing Assembly Overview Example | |
File Size: | 73 kb |
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Music Overview - KS2 - Autumn Term Example | |
File Size: | 62 kb |
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Music Overview - KS2 - Spring Term Example | |
File Size: | 42 kb |
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Music Overview - KS2 - Summer Term Example | |
File Size: | 68 kb |
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Music - KS2 Singing Assembly Overview Example | |
File Size: | 71 kb |
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Music - Singing Club Overview Example | |
File Size: | 104 kb |
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P.E - Physical Education
P.E - Progression | |
File Size: | 437 kb |
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P.E - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A & B | |
File Size: | 167 kb |
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P.E - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A & B | |
File Size: | 260 kb |
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PSHE is taught throughout the curriculum and embodied within the vision and values of the school on a day-to-day basis. We have also introduced a specific scheme of work (3D Curriculum) to explicitly sequence, plan and deliver focused PSHE sessions in-line with current guidance and compliancy.
Every Summer Term, we use the award-winning Shropshire 'Respect Yourself' programme to deliver Relationships & Sex Education. Parents & Carers are given the opportunity to review the lesson plans and resources each year, and have the right to withdraw their child from Sex Education if they wish to do so. Our Relationships & Sex Education Policy can be found on the Policies and Procedures Website Page.
R.E - Religious Education
SACRE 21-26 - Implemented since Jan 2022
R.E - Overview | |
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R.E - Progression | |
File Size: | 437 kb |
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R.E - SACRE 21-26 & UC | |
File Size: | 1175 kb |
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R.E SACRE Syllabus 21-26 inc. Knowledge Organisers | |
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R.E Additional Unit Knowledge Organisers to be published once finalised and evaluated at the end of 23/24.
SACRE 19-21 - up to Dec 2021
R.E - SACRE 19-21 & UC | |
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R.E - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A - 2020-21 | |
File Size: | 684 kb |
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R.E - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year A - 2020-21 | |
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R.E - KS1 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B - 2019-20 | |
File Size: | 610 kb |
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R.E - KS2 - Knowledge Organisers - Year B - 2019-20 | |
File Size: | 647 kb |
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As a Church of England school, we have adopted and follow the agreed Shropshire syllabus and Understanding Christianity scheme of work which allows children to learn about Christianity in depth while learning about other religions and faiths, being part of a multi-cultural society.