The Family Information Service
Free, impartial and confidential information, advice and assistance on all childcare and children and young people's services aged 0-19.
Contact: 01743 254400
Email: [email protected]
For information on Childminders, Day nurseries, Pre-school playgroups, Out of school Clubs, Holiday play schemes, Creches, Approved childcarers, Carer and toddler groups, Support groups and organisations, Activity clubs for children and young people.
Information on financial help towards the cost of childcare, including free early education funding, Working Tax Credit, childcare vouchers and Care to Learn.
Career advice for anyone wanting to work or train in childcare, early education or play.
Contact: 01743 254400
Email: [email protected]
For information on Childminders, Day nurseries, Pre-school playgroups, Out of school Clubs, Holiday play schemes, Creches, Approved childcarers, Carer and toddler groups, Support groups and organisations, Activity clubs for children and young people.
Information on financial help towards the cost of childcare, including free early education funding, Working Tax Credit, childcare vouchers and Care to Learn.
Career advice for anyone wanting to work or train in childcare, early education or play.