Our Governing Body
Mr R Evans (Chair)
Local Authority Term of office ends: 10/02/2026 Mrs E Price (Vice Chair) Co-opted Governor Term of office ends: 31/03/2027 Vacancy Incumbent Ex-officio Vacancy Foundation Governor Term of office ends: TBC Revd. David Moss Foundation Governor Term of office ends: 15/06/2025 Mrs E Jones Co-opted Governor Term of office ends: 31/03/2027 Mr C Price Parent Governor Term of office ends: 02/10/2026 Mrs J Simkin Parent Governor Term of office ends: 06/03/2027 Mrs J Moore Parent Governor Term of office ends: 06/03/2027 Mrs Jodie Glover Parent Governor Term of office ends: 14/10/2025 Mrs Ruth Aspin Staff Governor Term of office ends: 02/07/2025 Mr J Pittaway Headteacher Ex-Officio Committees 2024/25![]()
Governor's Roles and Responsibilities & Register of Business Interests![]()
Governor's Attendance Record 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23 & 2023/24![]()
Governors’ Review of the Year 2023-24
In another very successful year, the governors have continued to play a vital and active role as a ‘critical friend’ to Trinity CE Primary School. Their work has been crucial in helping the school to continue to develop and improve to maintain our high standards. Governors have continued to attend a mixture of ‘virtual’ and ‘face-to-face’ meetings, as well as Governor visits, allowing Governors to be connected and engaged in providing support, challenge, and strategic direction to our school. Governors were routinely involved in our monitoring cycle and took part in ‘triangulation’ of book trawls, observing teaching and pupil voice. Governors also attended ‘drop-in’ visits, open mornings and various school events e.g. Journey Days, Carols Around the Tree Concert, Sports Day, etc. The outcomes of these activities have enabled governors to fully appreciate the range of activities within school, look at the impact of school improvement initiatives and inform school self-evaluation. Governors have taken part in a range of activities to continue to strengthen the school’s curriculum and to embed the school’s vision and values throughout the school. This has supported the school in strengthening the ‘implementation’ of specific areas of the curriculum, particularly outdoor learning, to meet the needs of our children at Trinity, especially those with SEND. Governors also accompanied children on educational trips and visits e.g. seaside trip to Barmouth, canoeing on the River Severn, etc. Governors have been involved in a range of activities to support safeguarding. The safeguarding link governor has scrutinised the single central record to ensure that the necessary checks and procedures are followed in the recruitment of staff and other adults who work with children. Furthermore, the buildings, security, health and safety committee has also examined issues relating to safeguarding, including site-security and parking through the Safer Schools initiative. It has also scrutinised risk assessments, audits, procedures and policies. All governors were regularly involved in the review of risk assessments and audits to ensure the day-to-day operation of the school is as safe as possible. The school curriculum committee’s role has continued to be effective through monitoring the implementation of the School Development Plan, including. the continued development of the school curriculum. This ensured that subjects were well structured and sequenced logically to support children’s ability to ‘know more and remember more’. The work of the committee has also involved that the Pupil Premium inc. the Recovery Premium has been implemented successfully to support our most disadvantaged pupils. The committee has also analysed internal and external data, including national assessments, to inform future school development planning and identify areas of improvement. The school finance committee has closely worked with the school to ensure that the school achieves the best value for money, especially with the ever-increasing budget pressures. The finance committee ensured that funding was allocated for specific purposes, specifically to support disadvantaged children through the Pupil Premium and Recovery funding, as well as funding for P.E and Sport was also spent appropriately. Governors have continued to audit and monitor the financial impact of local and national policies, salary increases, and the rising energy and food costs to ensure the necessary savings were made to maintain financial stability, whilst providing necessary funds to provide the best possible education for our pupils. This year the governors will be again supporting the school to address school development priorities and to ensure the school provides the best possible education for our pupils. The focus this year will be on further strengthening the school’s SEND provision, continued SIAMs preparation, Subject Leadership development, consolidation of quality first teaching across the school and finally continuing to strive for high levels of attainment and progress to ensure pupils are ‘keeping up’ with the demands of the national standards and can be ‘the best they can be’. |