Covid-19 Situation - 6th January 2021
The Prime Minister announced on 4th January that schools would move to remote learning from Tuesday 5th January.
Our school pupils were due to return on Wednesday 6th January and it is from this date we will provide remote learning and will be only open to the children of keyworkers and those children who have been identified as vulnerable.
We have a very high percentage of children who fall into this eligible category.
We are requesting that parents complete the online form below to confirm their occupations and intentions. Where we do not receive this information, we will assume that there is no change to the previous key worker status and that a place at school is not required.
Keyworker Eligibility Form - January 2021
Your child may only attend the school if you receive a letter from us on Tuesday 5th January to say you had received a place. Anyone coming to school on Wednesday who has not received this letter will be turned away.
Please be aware that this provision is not mandatory and that the Co-headteachers retain the right to manage this as they see fit.
Our school pupils were due to return on Wednesday 6th January and it is from this date we will provide remote learning and will be only open to the children of keyworkers and those children who have been identified as vulnerable.
We have a very high percentage of children who fall into this eligible category.
We are requesting that parents complete the online form below to confirm their occupations and intentions. Where we do not receive this information, we will assume that there is no change to the previous key worker status and that a place at school is not required.
Keyworker Eligibility Form - January 2021
Your child may only attend the school if you receive a letter from us on Tuesday 5th January to say you had received a place. Anyone coming to school on Wednesday who has not received this letter will be turned away.
Please be aware that this provision is not mandatory and that the Co-headteachers retain the right to manage this as they see fit.
What will this provision look like?
We are offering a safe place for your child in the event that you have no other safe alternative. If they can stay at home, they must stay at home. Home is the safest place for children to be. This is more important than ever. Schools are considered 'vectors' of the disease and whilst children may not display symptoms they can transmit the virus to other people and households.
Please do not use this provision because you think it will be nicer for your child than being at home – the school provision must only be used as the last resort. If you have an alternative at home, please use it. Less people, means less risk of infection.
At school we will help children with the work being set for remote learning. Children will not be disadvantaged educationally by not attending school.
For details about the home learning offer and to view our Remote Learning Policy, please see the documentation below and the Home Learning Page.
Please be aware, that in the event of a Covid-19 case or outbreak in the school/class, the school will implement the Covid-19 isolation protocols and the school/bubble will close. Children will be required to self-isolate (regardless of key worker/vulnerable status).
We will continue to adhere to the Covid-19 Risk Assessment that has been in place since June.
When you pick up and drop off you child, please continue observe sensible distancing from one another in the usual fashion and continue to use the one-way system.
Only use school if there is genuinely no alternative.
Please do not use this provision because you think it will be nicer for your child than being at home – the school provision must only be used as the last resort. If you have an alternative at home, please use it. Less people, means less risk of infection.
At school we will help children with the work being set for remote learning. Children will not be disadvantaged educationally by not attending school.
For details about the home learning offer and to view our Remote Learning Policy, please see the documentation below and the Home Learning Page.
Please be aware, that in the event of a Covid-19 case or outbreak in the school/class, the school will implement the Covid-19 isolation protocols and the school/bubble will close. Children will be required to self-isolate (regardless of key worker/vulnerable status).
We will continue to adhere to the Covid-19 Risk Assessment that has been in place since June.
When you pick up and drop off you child, please continue observe sensible distancing from one another in the usual fashion and continue to use the one-way system.
Only use school if there is genuinely no alternative.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is before and after school childcare available?
Yes. Providing staffing levels can be maintained, we intend to offer 'Emergency Childcare'.
However, this is dependent on Government/DfE advice and on available staffing. Please do not rely on it. Children should minimise their contact with others as much as possible so if children do not need to attend it, they should not.
Will all keyworkers be together or will they stay in classes?
Children will remain with their usual Teacher and TAs. This is important to keep children safe by maintaining isolated bubbles.
No children need to attend every day?
If children are eligible, there is no need for them to attend everyday. Children will be working on the same work that is set for home learning. This can be accessed remotely.
Are school meals available?
School meals will be available on site for children in school. For children in receipt of Free School Meals, who are not attending school, we will provide a voucher to cover the cost of meals (as before). We will communicate separately to those families affected.
Will school clubs take place?
No after school clubs will be taking place. This is because teachers are needing to work during the day to support children attending school and also supporting children who are engaging in remote learning.
I need IT to access remote learning, what do I do?
Please contact the school if you have any difficulties in relation to remote learning for us to make alternative arrangements.
Will school transport continue to operate?
Yes. School transport services will continue for those pupils who require this. Safety measures will continue in the same fashion since September.
Will SATs be taking place?
The DfE have confirmed that there will be no statutory primary assessment taking place this year.
Pupils will be teacher assessed informed by the work completed in class and the assessments that they carry out within school inc. past SATs papers.
Yes. Providing staffing levels can be maintained, we intend to offer 'Emergency Childcare'.
However, this is dependent on Government/DfE advice and on available staffing. Please do not rely on it. Children should minimise their contact with others as much as possible so if children do not need to attend it, they should not.
Will all keyworkers be together or will they stay in classes?
Children will remain with their usual Teacher and TAs. This is important to keep children safe by maintaining isolated bubbles.
No children need to attend every day?
If children are eligible, there is no need for them to attend everyday. Children will be working on the same work that is set for home learning. This can be accessed remotely.
Are school meals available?
School meals will be available on site for children in school. For children in receipt of Free School Meals, who are not attending school, we will provide a voucher to cover the cost of meals (as before). We will communicate separately to those families affected.
Will school clubs take place?
No after school clubs will be taking place. This is because teachers are needing to work during the day to support children attending school and also supporting children who are engaging in remote learning.
I need IT to access remote learning, what do I do?
Please contact the school if you have any difficulties in relation to remote learning for us to make alternative arrangements.
Will school transport continue to operate?
Yes. School transport services will continue for those pupils who require this. Safety measures will continue in the same fashion since September.
Will SATs be taking place?
The DfE have confirmed that there will be no statutory primary assessment taking place this year.
Pupils will be teacher assessed informed by the work completed in class and the assessments that they carry out within school inc. past SATs papers.
Covid-19 Risk Assessment - Jan 21 | |
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Home Learning Summary - DfE Template | |
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Home Learning Policy 2020 | |
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