Class 4
You can email Miss James directly to make contact and submit work.
Miss James' email: [email protected]
or use the form below to make contact.
Miss James' email: [email protected]
or use the form below to make contact.
Home Learning Work
Friday 1st April 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book or a book from home if you've finished your book from school.
WALT: know how to retrieve information from a text.
The children in class, have been busy editing and redrafting their Balanced Argument and today was the last day before their BIG Write.
For today, I have attached a Reading Comprehension based on the 'Iron Age' as an introduction for you, for a topic work.
Answer *** section.
The children in class, have been busy editing and redrafting their Balanced Argument and today was the last day before their BIG Write.
For today, I have attached a Reading Comprehension based on the 'Iron Age' as an introduction for you, for a topic work.
Answer *** section.

iron_age_comprehension.pdf | |
File Size: | 1512 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: know how to apply known multiplication and division facts (Target Maths p.29)
Year 4 to complete Challenge A - Extension Challenge B.
Year 5 to complete Challenge B - Extension Challenge C.
Year 5 to complete Challenge B - Extension Challenge C.
Thursday 31st March 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book or a book from home if you've finished your book from school.
In class, we are currently editing our 'Balanced arguments, which you have written in school. So, in replacement for this in today's lesson, there's a fun 'Adjective' crossword as a Grammar activity.
In class, we are currently editing our 'Balanced arguments, which you have written in school. So, in replacement for this in today's lesson, there's a fun 'Adjective' crossword as a Grammar activity.
WALT: add and subtract decimals.
WALT: add and subtract decimals.
Wednesday 23rd March 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book or a book from home if you've finished your book from school.
Reading Comprehension
1. Read the comprehension.
2.Answer the questions under the title: 'Essential Vocabulary'.
1. Read the comprehension.
2.Answer the questions under the title: 'Essential Vocabulary'.
WALT: know how to write a balanced argument, including the main features.
For today's lesson, you will need the 'For' and 'Against' table from yesterday's lesson.
1. Write an introduction to your balanced argument.
2. Using your table, write three paragraphs 'For' - what are the reasons why zoos are are a good thing and then three paragraphs against zoos.
3. Click on the files below for learning resource support sheets, to help you with your writing.
*REMRMBER - use a variety of fronted adverbials for your openers
4. Lastly, write your conclusion. As discussed in class, there is a switch between from writing in 'Third Person' to 'First Person' because you are stating your own opinions, having weighed-up both sides of the arguments.
5.Include lots of interesting technical vocabulary, appropriate for the subject e.g. poachers, prohibited, captivity, roam etc.
6. Include: a variety of 'higher sophisticated conjunctions' and punctuation:
. ? ! , - ; : ( ) CL
1. Write an introduction to your balanced argument.
2. Using your table, write three paragraphs 'For' - what are the reasons why zoos are are a good thing and then three paragraphs against zoos.
3. Click on the files below for learning resource support sheets, to help you with your writing.
*REMRMBER - use a variety of fronted adverbials for your openers
4. Lastly, write your conclusion. As discussed in class, there is a switch between from writing in 'Third Person' to 'First Person' because you are stating your own opinions, having weighed-up both sides of the arguments.
5.Include lots of interesting technical vocabulary, appropriate for the subject e.g. poachers, prohibited, captivity, roam etc.
6. Include: a variety of 'higher sophisticated conjunctions' and punctuation:
. ? ! , - ; : ( ) CL

c4_learning_support_vocabulary.pdf | |
File Size: | 527 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: know how to solve problems using data presented in simple time graphs.
Tuesday 22nd March 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book or a book from home if you've finished your book from school.
Reading Comprehension
1.Read the comprehension and underline two news words you are unfamiliar with. Research the meaning of these words.
2. Answer the 'Warm Up' questions section. Click on the file below to access the reading comprehension, question and answers.
2. Answer the 'Warm Up' questions section. Click on the file below to access the reading comprehension, question and answers.
WALT: know how to gather arguments for 'For' and 'Against' a balanced argument and write it in a table.
Balanced argument question:
'Should animals be kept in zoos?
1. Click on the file below to access the table 'For' and 'Against', then shower storm your ideas and write into the table (I have included the table we come up with in class in another file).
2. Next, highlight the technical vocabulary, which will be useful in your piece of writing.
Balanced argument question:
'Should animals be kept in zoos?
1. Click on the file below to access the table 'For' and 'Against', then shower storm your ideas and write into the table (I have included the table we come up with in class in another file).
2. Next, highlight the technical vocabulary, which will be useful in your piece of writing.
WALT: know how to solve problems using data presented in simple time graphs
Monday 21st March 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book or a book from home if you've finished your book from school.
Spelling Test
Ask someone at home to test you on your weekly spellings.
PE (Swimming in school on Friday morning)
If you're feeling up to it, take a look at the PE section on the Home Learning page. There's plenty of sporting ideas to get you moving!
If you're feeling up to it, take a look at the PE section on the Home Learning page. There's plenty of sporting ideas to get you moving!
Arithmetic Test
Weekly Quiz

c4_weekly_quiz_18th_march.pdf | |
File Size: | 105 kb |
File Type: |
Friday 18th March 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book or a book from home if you've finished your book from school.
WALT: know how to use inverted commas in speech, including split speech
WALT: know how to use inverted commas in speech, including split speech
Click here for an introduction to split speech.
WALT: know how to subtract decimals with the same number of places
Click here for an introduction to the lesson.
Answer Challenge A first, then continue onto B and possibly C if you are coping with the work. Remember, if you're finding the work easier move on to the next challenge.
For today's activity worksheet, click on the file below.
Our topic for the term is: How do Christians decide how to live? What would Jesus do?
This is our first lesson, since returning back to school after half term, with the past two Thursdays having been busy with: Journey Day - Inquisitive'/World Book Day and then our school trip last week.
Today's lesson is a nice introduction into how Christians live their lives: seeing through Jesus' eyes and 'do as Jesus would do'.
Activity 1
Watch the video in the link below, to have a snippet of what Jesus' life was like while he was here on Earth.
Whilst watching the video - remember two good things that Jesus did.
Click here for video.
Our topic for the term is: How do Christians decide how to live? What would Jesus do?
This is our first lesson, since returning back to school after half term, with the past two Thursdays having been busy with: Journey Day - Inquisitive'/World Book Day and then our school trip last week.
Today's lesson is a nice introduction into how Christians live their lives: seeing through Jesus' eyes and 'do as Jesus would do'.
Activity 1
Watch the video in the link below, to have a snippet of what Jesus' life was like while he was here on Earth.
Whilst watching the video - remember two good things that Jesus did.
Click here for video.
Like us all, Jesus was tempted in every way that most of us are - and that includes childhood temptations.
This topic is about following Jesus' good choices he made in his life and learning from them - in our world today.
In the file below, there are some scenarios, which you may find yourself in: 'Good Choices' versus 'Wrong Choices', such as: Truth/Lies, Generosity/Greed, Kindness/Mocking etc.
This topic is about following Jesus' good choices he made in his life and learning from them - in our world today.
In the file below, there are some scenarios, which you may find yourself in: 'Good Choices' versus 'Wrong Choices', such as: Truth/Lies, Generosity/Greed, Kindness/Mocking etc.
1.Click on the file below to access the questions (answers included).
2.After you have answered, try to explain to adult why you made that choice.
3.REMEMBER - What would Jesus do?
1.Click on the file below to access the questions (answers included).
2.After you have answered, try to explain to adult why you made that choice.
3.REMEMBER - What would Jesus do?

what_would_jesus_do_questions.pdf | |
File Size: | 255 kb |
File Type: |
For the rest of this term we will be looking at stories from the Gospel. What is the Gospel and what does it mean?
We will be looking at Jesus' life, here on Earth, through stories of how he made 'Good Choices' and helped people.
It is through stories from the Bible that Christians live their lives to be good people.
We will be looking at Jesus' life, here on Earth, through stories of how he made 'Good Choices' and helped people.
It is through stories from the Bible that Christians live their lives to be good people.
WALT: understand the significance of 'Stonehenge'
WALT: understand the significance of 'Stonehenge'
Click here to watch a video about 'Stonehenge'.
Watch the video to find out lots of facts about Stonehenge. Click on the file below to access a photo of Stonehenge, to cut out, then stick in the middle of a piece of paper and write your facts all around it.
Investigate further research using the internet.
Investigate further research using the internet.

stonehenge_pics.pdf | |
File Size: | 109 kb |
File Type: |
Thursday 17th march 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book or a book from home if you've finished your book from school.
Reading Comprehension
1.Read the story again.
For today's lesson, only complete the 'Vocabulary' section.
For today's lesson, only complete the 'Vocabulary' section.
WALT: change verbs into the past tense
Click on the links below to support your learning:
Click on the links below to support your learning:
WALT: know how to add decimals with the same number of decimal place
Click here for an introduction to the lesson.
1. Answer Challenge A, then continue onto B and C if you are demonstrating a good understanding. Challenge C is the hardest. You may even feel like you're able to start on Challenge B.
1. Answer Challenge A, then continue onto B and C if you are demonstrating a good understanding. Challenge C is the hardest. You may even feel like you're able to start on Challenge B.
WALT: plan an investigation.
1. View the powerpoint. Click on the file below.

electricity_investigation_powerpoint.pdf | |
File Size: | 842 kb |
File Type: |
2. Activity
Now that you have viewed the powerpoint, you should have a better understanding on how to plan for an electricity investigation.
In class, the children have decided that they would like to carry out two investigations, so you will need to choose which one of the two you would like to do when you join us back in school:
1. If we change the length of the wires what will happen to the brightness of the bulb?
2. If we change the colours of the wires what will happen to the brightness of the bulb?
It's now your chance to have a go at planning your investigation.
Now that you have viewed the powerpoint, you should have a better understanding on how to plan for an electricity investigation.
In class, the children have decided that they would like to carry out two investigations, so you will need to choose which one of the two you would like to do when you join us back in school:
1. If we change the length of the wires what will happen to the brightness of the bulb?
2. If we change the colours of the wires what will happen to the brightness of the bulb?
It's now your chance to have a go at planning your investigation.

planning_investigation.pdf | |
File Size: | 169 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: program a football game, using 'Scratch'.
Login details: ILearn2
Code: SC24 for pupil activation code
Login details: ILearn2
Code: SC24 for pupil activation code
Wednesday 16th March 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book or a book from home if you've finished your book from school.
Reading Comprehension
1. Read the title. What do you think the story might be about?
2. Where do you think the story is set? Why? Is there a title in the clue? Which continent is it in?
3. Have you heard this title somewhere else? (maybe from a Disney movie!)
4.What do you know about the culture?
Now read the text.
As you read, underline two words you are aren't familiar with. Now research and find out the meaning of these words.
2. Where do you think the story is set? Why? Is there a title in the clue? Which continent is it in?
3. Have you heard this title somewhere else? (maybe from a Disney movie!)
4.What do you know about the culture?
Now read the text.
As you read, underline two words you are aren't familiar with. Now research and find out the meaning of these words.
For today's lesson, only answer the 'Literal Questions' section. Discuss with a family member.
WALT: know how to write paragraphs.
Paragraphs make a long piece of writing easier to read. One paragraph is a group of sentences about one idea or topic.
1. Complete all three sections on the worksheet. Remember to write in your BEST joined handwriting, using horizontal and diagonal joins, ensuring letters are of consistent size.
2. Use a variety of punctuation in your paragraphs and higher sophisticated conjunctions.
. ? ! , - ( ) " " ; : '
Higher Sophisticated Conjunctions
if, since, as, when, although, while, after, before, until, even though
2. Use a variety of punctuation in your paragraphs and higher sophisticated conjunctions.
. ? ! , - ( ) " " ; : '
Higher Sophisticated Conjunctions
if, since, as, when, although, while, after, before, until, even though

paragraphs_class_4.pdf | |
File Size: | 257 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: subtract decimal fractions mentally.
Watch the video below to support your learning. Click on the link.
Adding and subtracting decimal fractions video
Watch the video below to support your learning. Click on the link.
Adding and subtracting decimal fractions video
Top Tips!
1.Look at the decimal as whole numbers when adding and then remember to insert the decimal point.
2.If you need to, you can always use written column addition to add them together - at least to get you started, if you're unsure.
3.Remember the decimal point NEVER EVER moves!
1.Look at the decimal as whole numbers when adding and then remember to insert the decimal point.
2.If you need to, you can always use written column addition to add them together - at least to get you started, if you're unsure.
3.Remember the decimal point NEVER EVER moves!
Activity 1

subtracting_decimals_c4.pdf | |
File Size: | 5 kb |
File Type: |
Activity 2
For this activity, you will need to problem solve by using either addition or subtraction or even both on some of the decimal pyramids.
Answers are also included.
There are three different worksheets indicated by stars.
* Easy
** Middle
*** Hard
Start off with * and then if you do well and enjoy it, you could always progress onto the harder challenges.
Answers are also included.
There are three different worksheets indicated by stars.
* Easy
** Middle
*** Hard
Start off with * and then if you do well and enjoy it, you could always progress onto the harder challenges.

adding-and-subtracting-decimal-fractions-_pyramids.pdf | |
File Size: | 102 kb |
File Type: |
Weekly Spellings Practice
Practice your weekly spellings, using the strategies and methods taught in school e.g pyramid etc.
Practice your weekly spellings, using the strategies and methods taught in school e.g pyramid etc.
Design & Technology
WALT: know how to investigate casings for a torch, to hold components for an electric circuit.
View the powerpoint and discuss with a family member as you read through the powerpoints - sharing your thoughts and ideas.
View the powerpoint and discuss with a family member as you read through the powerpoints - sharing your thoughts and ideas. | |
File Size: | 2223 kb |
File Type: | pub |
You are now going to investigate different casings you could use for your torch holder. Use the questions on the worksheets to help guide you through your own ideas e.g. what objects could you use? What properties do they need to have?
Draw and label your ideas in the boxes and then fill in the 'Advantages' and 'Disadvantages' boxes.
You are now going to investigate different casings you could use for your torch holder. Use the questions on the worksheets to help guide you through your own ideas e.g. what objects could you use? What properties do they need to have?
Draw and label your ideas in the boxes and then fill in the 'Advantages' and 'Disadvantages' boxes.

investigating_torches.pdf | |
File Size: | 155 kb |
File Type: |
Tuesday 8th February 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book
Y5 WALT - compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples the same number p.38-39.
Y5 WALT - compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples the same number p.38-39.
Y4 WALT - know how to use the number line to connect fractions and numbers p.20
Practice your weekly spellings using strategies learnt in class.
Practice your weekly spellings using strategies learnt in class.
Monday 7th February 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book
Reading Comprehension
1. Read the advertisement.
2.Answer the 'Main Questions'.
3.Answer the Evaluative Questions.
2.Answer the 'Main Questions'.
3.Answer the Evaluative Questions.

cottage_non_fiction.pdf | |
File Size: | 318 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: know how to retrieve information from a text.
1.Answer the following Reading Comprehension Questions.
Year 5 - *** (three star reading text and questions)
Year 4 - ** (two star reading text and questions)
2. Mark your answers with an adult if possible and discuss (answers included).
WALT: know how to retrieve information from a text.
1.Answer the following Reading Comprehension Questions.
Year 5 - *** (three star reading text and questions)
Year 4 - ** (two star reading text and questions)
2. Mark your answers with an adult if possible and discuss (answers included).

stone-age-reading-comprehension.pdf | |
File Size: | 1576 kb |
File Type: |
Y5 WALT - know how to recognise and use the thousandths and relate them to tenths and hundredths p.36-37.
Y4 WALT - count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing by 100 and dividing tenths by 10 p.21
Take a look at the Trinity 'Music' home learning page for a choice of lessons.
Take a look at the Trinity 'Music' home learning page for a choice of lessons.
View the PE home learning page for a variety of lessons.
View the PE home learning page for a variety of lessons.
Click here to access the French games website. It is our last lesson on French Family vocabulary.
1.Click on 'Lessons'.
2.Topic - Family.
3.From here, you will be able to access multiple interactive games whilst recalling information from this term.
Click here to access the French games website. It is our last lesson on French Family vocabulary.
1.Click on 'Lessons'.
2.Topic - Family.
3.From here, you will be able to access multiple interactive games whilst recalling information from this term.
Friday 4th February 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book
Spelling Test
Please ask someone at home to test you on your weekly spellings.
Please ask someone at home to test you on your weekly spellings.
PE (swimming)
Take a look at our PE page for lots of ideas to keep you active!
Take a look at our PE page for lots of ideas to keep you active!
WALT: punctuate direct speech.
WALT: punctuate direct speech.
Complete exercises on p.50 & 51.Click here for an introduction to the lesson.

class_4_speech.pdf | |
File Size: | 285 kb |
File Type: |
Please complete today's Arithmetic tests. Answers are included.
Thursday 4th February 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book
WALT: edit and make improvements to sentences for 'Instruction Writing'.
Use this time today for editing and making improvements to your sentences. Write up neatly and make your instruction text look eye catching and interesting to read!
Use this time today for editing and making improvements to your sentences. Write up neatly and make your instruction text look eye catching and interesting to read!
Y5 WALT: solve division word problems including answers that involve rounding remainders up or down p.34-35.
Y4 WALT: know how to use partitioning to calculate TO divided by O p.40
WALT: know who the first farmers were.
1. Watch the videos in the link below to learn about the late 'Neolithic Revolution'. I would like you to listen carefully to identify the following key words for the lesson: revolution, agriculture, live stock, domesticated, settlement. Research these words before watching the videos.
WALT: know who the first farmers were.
1. Watch the videos in the link below to learn about the late 'Neolithic Revolution'. I would like you to listen carefully to identify the following key words for the lesson: revolution, agriculture, live stock, domesticated, settlement. Research these words before watching the videos.
2.In the file below are some pictures for you to write about. Write about what you have learnt about the Stone Age farmers.

topic_farming.pdf | |
File Size: | 143 kb |
File Type: |
3.Write down at least 10 facts you have learnt about Neolithic (Stone Age) farming.
WALT:know that some people can be scientists and believe in God.
1. See lesson plan with websites to view. Click on the file below for the lesson plan.
WALT:know that some people can be scientists and believe in God.
1. See lesson plan with websites to view. Click on the file below for the lesson plan.

re_scientists_and_god.pdf | |
File Size: | 251 kb |
File Type: |
2.Cut up the headings in the table (in bold writing) and the information beneath. Place the headings on the table for you to see then turn the matching sentences about a person's beliefs upside down and mix them up. Take one, read it and match it to the correct heading. Ask yourself which point of view it is from....
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book
Reading Comprehension
1. In today's lesson, you will be focussing on the vocabulary section.
2.Read the article again and underline two words you aren't sure about.
3. Look up the definition of those words or if possible discuss with a family member. Already you have learnt two new words of the day!
4. Now, look at the 'Essential Vocabulary' section and work your way through the new vocabulary.
2.Read the article again and underline two words you aren't sure about.
3. Look up the definition of those words or if possible discuss with a family member. Already you have learnt two new words of the day!
4. Now, look at the 'Essential Vocabulary' section and work your way through the new vocabulary.

cottage_non_fiction.pdf | |
File Size: | 318 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: know how to write a set of instructions on 'How to construct a simple circuit', including all of the features.
Aim: to write quality sentences using a variety of punctuation.
*Remember to include 'Top Tips' and Warnings!
Add diagrams and pictures to your non-fiction piece of writing.
The Success Criteria is also attached in the file below.
WALT: know how to write a set of instructions on 'How to construct a simple circuit', including all of the features.
Aim: to write quality sentences using a variety of punctuation.
*Remember to include 'Top Tips' and Warnings!
Add diagrams and pictures to your non-fiction piece of writing.
The Success Criteria is also attached in the file below.

success_criteria_for_instruction_writing.docx | |
File Size: | 14 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Y5 WALT: use the formal written method of short division to calculate HTO divided by O with a decimal remainder p.32-33

division_with_decimals.pdf | |
File Size: | 266 kb |
File Type: |
Y4 WALT - use the formal written method to calculate HTO divided by O p.45.
Tuesday 1st February 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book
Reading Comprehension
You will be using your 'skimming and scanning' skills to locate the answers in the text. Think about where in the text it might be - do you have to read the whole text, if for example, you can remember it was near the end scan that section.
1. Firstly, look at the picture. Do you think the writing will be Fiction or Non-Fiction? Why?
2. What genre do you think it might be from looking at the picture?
3. Answer the questions in the 'Warm-Up' section. Find the answers and highlight.
* If the question is asking 'Where'? What are you looking for? (place )
*If the question is asking 'Who'? What are you looking for? (a person's name)
1. Firstly, look at the picture. Do you think the writing will be Fiction or Non-Fiction? Why?
2. What genre do you think it might be from looking at the picture?
3. Answer the questions in the 'Warm-Up' section. Find the answers and highlight.
* If the question is asking 'Where'? What are you looking for? (place )
*If the question is asking 'Who'? What are you looking for? (a person's name)

cottage_non_fiction.pdf | |
File Size: | 318 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: know how to write instructions on 'How to make a simple circuit', using the Success Criteria check list and Instruction Vocabulary word bank sheet (from yesterday's lesson).
1. Write instructions on 'How to make a simple circuit. Click on the file below for the Success Criteria check list. You will also need your word bank from yesterday's lesson.
2.Focus on writing quality sentences. Make sure you use your Success Criteria list.
2.Focus on writing quality sentences. Make sure you use your Success Criteria list.

success_criteria_for_instruction_writing.docx | |
File Size: | 14 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Y5 WALT: use the formal written method of short division to calculate HT0 divided by O with a fraction remainder p.30-31
Y4 WALT: use partitioning to calculate HTO divided by O p.42
Practise your weekly spellings and put into sentences.
Practise your weekly spellings and put into sentences.
In today's lesson, you will be learning how to draw some Stone Age animals, which have been found inside caves.
Click on the link below for a tutorial. You will only need a pencil for the lesson.
In today's lesson, you will be learning how to draw some Stone Age animals, which have been found inside caves.
Click on the link below for a tutorial. You will only need a pencil for the lesson.
Monday 31st January 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes - with your reading book
WALT: know how to follow instructions and make a list of key words to use for tomorrow's lesson.
WALT: know how to follow instructions and make a list of key words to use for tomorrow's lesson.
1.Use the powerpoint for following instructions on: 'How to make a simple circuit' to make a bulb light-up. Also, for further support, click on the link below for a video.
In class, we made the simple circuits. Hopefully, by watching the video and viewing the powerpoint you will now have the idea. I have also attached the Science lesson plan.
2. Once you have watched the video and viewed the powerpoint, open up the file attachment below to access the 'Instruction Vocabulary' word bank to get you starting to think about the vocabulary you would like to include for your sentences in tomorrow's lesson.

how_to_make_a_simple_circuit_lesson_plan.pdf | |
File Size: | 70 kb |
File Type: |

how_to_make_a_simple_circuit_powerpoint.pdf | |
File Size: | 1512 kb |
File Type: |

instruction_writing_vocabulary.pdf | |
File Size: | 213 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: know how to use the formal written method for division, when dividing a T O and O
1. Watch a tutorial on using the short division method. Click on the links below.
2.Busy Ants - p.41 - answer Challenge 2 and 3, using the short division method ('bus stop' method).
WALT: know how to use the formal written method for division, when dividing a T O and O
1. Watch a tutorial on using the short division method. Click on the links below.
2.Busy Ants - p.41 - answer Challenge 2 and 3, using the short division method ('bus stop' method).
View Mrs Allen-Brown's 'Music' homepage for a selection of music sessions for today's lesson.
View Mrs Allen-Brown's 'Music' homepage for a selection of music sessions for today's lesson.
See Mr Price's 'PE' homepage to get you moving for today's PE lesson!
See Mr Price's 'PE' homepage to get you moving for today's PE lesson!
French - Ma Famille Unit
Please complete section 8 on the worksheet - translation. Then, have a go at writing your own sentences about your own family.

ma_famille_unit.pdf | |
File Size: | 378 kb |
File Type: |
Thursday 27th January 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes with your reading book
Reading Comprehension
Continue answering questions from yesterday's lesson, using 'Reading Explorers - Classics - 'Mary Poppins'.
1. Read the Mary Poppins text again.
2.Answer the Inferential and Evaluative questions.
Continue answering questions from yesterday's lesson, using 'Reading Explorers - Classics - 'Mary Poppins'.
1. Read the Mary Poppins text again.
2.Answer the Inferential and Evaluative questions.

mary_poppins.pdf | |
File Size: | 377 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: write a set of instructions, including the features and using the check list.
Today, is an assessed write to see what you have learnt this week.
1.Write a set of instructions based on a recipe you are confident with. In class, we kept with the pasta dish but children made up their own recipes for sauces.
2.Refer to the examples we have looked at this week, to give you an idea for the higher level sentence work.
3.Remember to include a variety of punctuation.
4.Use the 'Instruction Writing' mat to also support your learning.
Today, is an assessed write to see what you have learnt this week.
1.Write a set of instructions based on a recipe you are confident with. In class, we kept with the pasta dish but children made up their own recipes for sauces.
2.Refer to the examples we have looked at this week, to give you an idea for the higher level sentence work.
3.Remember to include a variety of punctuation.
4.Use the 'Instruction Writing' mat to also support your learning.
1.Click on the file below below to access today's 'End of 'Unit' assessment on 'Angles'. Answers are also attached.
1.Click on the file below below to access today's 'End of 'Unit' assessment on 'Angles'. Answers are also attached.
2.Mark your answers and discuss corrections.
3.Practise your times tables on 'Hit the Button' and 'Times Table Rock Stars'.
Hit the Button
3.Practise your times tables on 'Hit the Button' and 'Times Table Rock Stars'.
Hit the Button
WALT: know how people survived in Shropshire in the Stone Age, as hunter-gatherers.
1.What do you know already about how people from the Stone Age lived? In class, we have been reading 'Stig of the Dump', so you will have some knowledge. Jot down what you know now.
2. In today's lesson, we be looking at how people from the Stone Age survived:
Why is this period in time referred to as the 'Stone Age? To help answer these questions, click here to access a BBC Bitesize video to research and find the answers to the questions above.
How did Stone Age hunter-gatherers live?
1. Fill in the table. Click on the file below to access the table.
2. In today's lesson, we be looking at how people from the Stone Age survived:
- Where did they live? what did they live in?
- What did they eat?
- Where did they get their food from?
- How did they get their food?
- What tools did they use?
- What was the best stone used for making tools?
- How was glue made?
Why is this period in time referred to as the 'Stone Age? To help answer these questions, click here to access a BBC Bitesize video to research and find the answers to the questions above.
How did Stone Age hunter-gatherers live?
1. Fill in the table. Click on the file below to access the table.

hunter_gatherers_worksheet.pdf | |
File Size: | 375 kb |
File Type: |
2. Read the article about the discovery of Flint in Shropshire.
WALT: know why some people believe and do not believe in God and know their reasons why.
1.Lesson plan attached (see file below).
2.Sorting activity: use the resource sheet, cut up thoughts about beliefs and put into three columns: theist (believers), atheist (non-believers) and agnostic (unsure).
WALT: know why some people believe and do not believe in God and know their reasons why.
1.Lesson plan attached (see file below).
2.Sorting activity: use the resource sheet, cut up thoughts about beliefs and put into three columns: theist (believers), atheist (non-believers) and agnostic (unsure).
Wednesday 26th January 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes with your reading book
WALT: know how to write a set of instructions, using the Success Criteria as a tool guide.
WALT: know how to write a set of instructions, using the Success Criteria as a tool guide.
1. Using the support sheet in the file below, write your own recipe for a pasta sauce. There is also an example attached to give you an idea of the content and vocabulary.

uks2-writing-instructions-knowledge-organiser-example.pdf | |
File Size: | 167 kb |
File Type: |
2.Use the Success Criteria sheet in the file below, to support your learning, ensuring you have included all of the features.

success_criteria_for_instruction_writing.docx | |
File Size: | 14 kb |
File Type: | docx |
WALT: know if a polygon is regular or irregular by comparing lengths and angles. p.15
WALT: know if a polygon is regular or irregular by comparing lengths and angles. p.15

y4_angles_l3.pdf | |
File Size: | 196 kb |
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WALT: know common conductors and insulators.
1. Write down what you know about 'conductors' and 'insulators'.
2.Look at the powerpoint.
1. Write down what you know about 'conductors' and 'insulators'.
2.Look at the powerpoint.
Computing - Logo
1. Click here to access the website for the program 'Transum'.
2.Go to the top right-hand corner and you will see the 'Search' box. Type in logo.
3. Click on 'Online Logo' to take you to the page for the lesson.
4. Today's lesson is based on 'Level 2'.
This is a simplified version of the programming language Logo. Use it to draw shapes by moving the turtle (arrow) around the screen using the commands.
Have fun creating shapes and following some of the tasks set out for you (scroll down the screen)!
1. Click here to access the website for the program 'Transum'.
2.Go to the top right-hand corner and you will see the 'Search' box. Type in logo.
3. Click on 'Online Logo' to take you to the page for the lesson.
4. Today's lesson is based on 'Level 2'.
This is a simplified version of the programming language Logo. Use it to draw shapes by moving the turtle (arrow) around the screen using the commands.
Have fun creating shapes and following some of the tasks set out for you (scroll down the screen)!
Tuesday 25th January 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes with your reading book.
Reading Comprehension
Continue answering questions from yesterday's lesson, using 'Reading Explorers - Classics - 'Mary Poppins'.
1. Read the Mary Poppins text again.
2.Briefly revisit yesterday's new vocabulary: crimson, enquired, protest, solemnly etc. Can you define their meanings?
3. Answer 'Deductive' questions.
Continue answering questions from yesterday's lesson, using 'Reading Explorers - Classics - 'Mary Poppins'.
1. Read the Mary Poppins text again.
2.Briefly revisit yesterday's new vocabulary: crimson, enquired, protest, solemnly etc. Can you define their meanings?
3. Answer 'Deductive' questions.

mary_poppins.pdf | |
File Size: | 377 kb |
File Type: |
WALT - identify the features of instructional writing, including: imperative verbs, adverbs, time adverbials, prepositions conjunctions and adjectives.
For the lesson you will need six different coloured pencils. A template is attached as well as the answers.
WALT - identify the features of instructional writing, including: imperative verbs, adverbs, time adverbials, prepositions conjunctions and adjectives.
For the lesson you will need six different coloured pencils. A template is attached as well as the answers.
WALT - know how to compare and order angles up to two right angles by size p.14

y4_angles_l3.pdf | |
File Size: | 196 kb |
File Type: |
Practise your weekly spellings in preparation for Friday's test.
Practise your weekly spellings in preparation for Friday's test.
In todays' art lesson you will be learning how to draw Stone Age cave animals. Click on the links below to access step by step guides. Have a go at drawing a mammoth, lion and deer.
Click here for how to draw a mammoth.
Click here for prehistoric stone age cave animals.
Click here for a lion.
In todays' art lesson you will be learning how to draw Stone Age cave animals. Click on the links below to access step by step guides. Have a go at drawing a mammoth, lion and deer.
Click here for how to draw a mammoth.
Click here for prehistoric stone age cave animals.
Click here for a lion.
Monday 24th January 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes with your reading book.
Reading Comprehension
Reading Explorers - Classics - 'Mary Poppins'
1. Read the 'Mary Poppins' comprehension.
2. Answer the 'Literal Questions' and 'Vocabulary' sections.
Click on the file below to access today's Reading Comprehension.
Reading Explorers - Classics - 'Mary Poppins'
1. Read the 'Mary Poppins' comprehension.
2. Answer the 'Literal Questions' and 'Vocabulary' sections.
Click on the file below to access today's Reading Comprehension.

mary_poppins.pdf | |
File Size: | 377 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: know how to identify the features of 'Instruction Writing'
1.Click here to watch a video on 'Instruction Writing'.
WALT: know how to identify the features of 'Instruction Writing'
1.Click here to watch a video on 'Instruction Writing'.
WALT: know how to identify 'acute' and 'obtuse' angles.
Question: What are angles?
WALT: know how to identify 'acute' and 'obtuse' angles.
Question: What are angles?
1. Watch the videos below for an introduction to today's lesson
2. Complete Challenges 1, 2 and 3. You will need Resource sheet 32: 12 dot circles, a red and blue pencil and a right-angle tester (also known as a 'set square').
View Mrs Allen-Brown's 'Music' homepage for a selection of music sessions for today's lesson.
View Mrs Allen-Brown's 'Music' homepage for a selection of music sessions for today's lesson.
See Mr Price's 'PE' homepage to get you moving for today's PE lesson!
See Mr Price's 'PE' homepage to get you moving for today's PE lesson!
French - Ma Famille Unit
In today's lesson you will be using 3 of the 4 skills used when learning a new language: they are reading, speaking and writing.
1.Review vocabulary, using the diagram for support (reading and speaking).
2.Draw a table with two columns: Masculine and Feminine (writing).
3.Write the male and female family members under each correct heading (writing).
4. What do you notice about the word used before the family member: mon and ma? How do you know which one to use/say?
In today's lesson you will be using 3 of the 4 skills used when learning a new language: they are reading, speaking and writing.
1.Review vocabulary, using the diagram for support (reading and speaking).
2.Draw a table with two columns: Masculine and Feminine (writing).
3.Write the male and female family members under each correct heading (writing).
4. What do you notice about the word used before the family member: mon and ma? How do you know which one to use/say?

ma_famille_unit.pdf | |
File Size: | 378 kb |
File Type: |
Friday 14th January 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes
WALT: know how to write a diary entry, including the features.
This morning, you will be writing a diary entry based on the story 'Stig of the Dump' - Chapter 1.
You will be recounting your day, falling down the chalk-pit and discovering Stig and his cave. Make your diary entry chatty and remember to include the features (see Success Criteria tick sheet).
1.Re-read Chapter 1. If possible, ask an adult to read it to you so that you can enjoy listening to the story.
This morning, you will be writing a diary entry based on the story 'Stig of the Dump' - Chapter 1.
You will be recounting your day, falling down the chalk-pit and discovering Stig and his cave. Make your diary entry chatty and remember to include the features (see Success Criteria tick sheet).
1.Re-read Chapter 1. If possible, ask an adult to read it to you so that you can enjoy listening to the story.

stig_of_the_dump_chpt_1.pdf | |
File Size: | 1143 kb |
File Type: |
2. Take a look at the diary entry we did together in class for our shared write in Tuesday's lesson.

diary_entry_stig_of_the_dump_chpt_3.pdf | |
File Size: | 141 kb |
File Type: |
3. Use the Success Criteria list to support your writing.

success_criteria_diary_entry.pdf | |
File Size: | 19 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: know about the Ice Age and how it affected Shrewsbury and the surrounding area.
1.Write down any facts that you know about the Ice Age.
2. Click here for an introduction to the Ice Age.
Click on the following links below for further information.
WALT: know about the Ice Age and how it affected Shrewsbury and the surrounding area.
1.Write down any facts that you know about the Ice Age.
2. Click here for an introduction to the Ice Age.
Click on the following links below for further information.
WALT: know what religious and non-religious people believe about God, saying where they they get their ideas from.
'Is God Real?' and 'What do people think?'
1. List as many questions as you can that you will need to answer if you are going to solve the problem to the question: 'Is God Real?'
E.g. Who is this God? What kind of a God are we talking about? Are there any witnesses?
2. This investigation is based on 'Christianity'. You are going to explore what God is like. How are you going to find out about this? Evidence from the bible. God is described in in many ways in the Bible, through the use of similes and metaphors (this links nicely to our topic work from last term on the 'Trinity', where we discussed the ways in which God is described as in the Christian Bible). Carry out some research and make a list - using a Bible or the internet.
'Is God Real?' and 'What do people think?'
1. List as many questions as you can that you will need to answer if you are going to solve the problem to the question: 'Is God Real?'
E.g. Who is this God? What kind of a God are we talking about? Are there any witnesses?
2. This investigation is based on 'Christianity'. You are going to explore what God is like. How are you going to find out about this? Evidence from the bible. God is described in in many ways in the Bible, through the use of similes and metaphors (this links nicely to our topic work from last term on the 'Trinity', where we discussed the ways in which God is described as in the Christian Bible). Carry out some research and make a list - using a Bible or the internet.
Thursday 13th January 2022
Silent Reading - 20 minutes
WALT: know how to assess a shared write from yesterday's lesson, using a 'Diary Entry' Success Criteria list, including the 'features'.
For today's English activity, use the 'Diary Entry Features Success Criteria' check list (below) to identify the features in our class shared-write from Tuesday's lesson, based on a character's entry (Barney) from the story 'Stig of the Dump - Chapter 3 - It warms you twice.
Underline and annotate (identifying) the features from the check list on the Class 4 shared write Diary Entry.
Success Criteria List (created by Class 4 in Monday's lesson)
Silent Reading - 20 minutes
WALT: know how to assess a shared write from yesterday's lesson, using a 'Diary Entry' Success Criteria list, including the 'features'.
For today's English activity, use the 'Diary Entry Features Success Criteria' check list (below) to identify the features in our class shared-write from Tuesday's lesson, based on a character's entry (Barney) from the story 'Stig of the Dump - Chapter 3 - It warms you twice.
Underline and annotate (identifying) the features from the check list on the Class 4 shared write Diary Entry.
Success Criteria List (created by Class 4 in Monday's lesson)

success_criteria_diary_entry.docx | |
File Size: | 12 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Click on the file below to access Class 4 Diary Entry shared-write for assessment.

diary_entry_stig_of_the_dump_chpt_3.pdf | |
File Size: | 141 kb |
File Type: |
Reading Comprehension
Read the 'Railway Children' and answer the following questions in sections:
*Literal Questions
*Essential Vocabulary
Read the 'Railway Children' and answer the following questions in sections:
*Literal Questions
*Essential Vocabulary

the_railway_children.pdf | |
File Size: | 380 kb |
File Type: |
WALT: know how to solve word problems involving negative numbers.
Using your knowledge and skills from the lessons covered so far this week and using an empty number line (provided already on worksheet) answer the real life word problems involving negative numbers.
Top Tip
Always start by putting a '0' in the middle of the number line to distinguish between the negative numbers and positive numbers.
Click on the file below for lesson work and answers.
WALT: know how to solve word problems involving negative numbers.
Using your knowledge and skills from the lessons covered so far this week and using an empty number line (provided already on worksheet) answer the real life word problems involving negative numbers.
Top Tip
Always start by putting a '0' in the middle of the number line to distinguish between the negative numbers and positive numbers.
Click on the file below for lesson work and answers.

y4_negative_numbers_word_problems.pdf | |
File Size: | 40 kb |
File Type: |
1.See lesson plan.
2.Take a look at the powerpoint.
3.Complete worksheet 2C.
1.See lesson plan.
2.Take a look at the powerpoint.
3.Complete worksheet 2C.

electricity_worksheet.pdf | |
File Size: | 418 kb |
File Type: |
Computing - Logo
1. Click here to access the website for the program 'Transum'.
2.Go to the top right-hand corner and you will see the 'Search' box. Type in logo.
3. Click on 'Online Logo' to take you to the page for the lesson.
4. Today's lesson is based on 'Level 1'.
This is a simplified version of the programming language Logo. Use it to draw shapes by moving the turtle (arrow) around the screen using the commands.
Have fun creating shapes and following some of the tasks set out for you (scroll down the screen)!
1. Click here to access the website for the program 'Transum'.
2.Go to the top right-hand corner and you will see the 'Search' box. Type in logo.
3. Click on 'Online Logo' to take you to the page for the lesson.
4. Today's lesson is based on 'Level 1'.
This is a simplified version of the programming language Logo. Use it to draw shapes by moving the turtle (arrow) around the screen using the commands.
Have fun creating shapes and following some of the tasks set out for you (scroll down the screen)!