Little Miss Healthy would like to talk to you about having a healthy mind which means that we feel good about ourselves. Having the 'feel good factor'!
To nourish our mind we need to: eat healthy, exercise regularly, stay hydrated and sleep well. This is our goal - to help us be in a positive state of well-being. By doing this, we will be able to reach our full potential, face the daily challenges life can bring and work productively.
'Meditation' and 'Yoga' can also help us to achieve a healthy mind and Little Miss Healthy thought you'd like to have a go today. If you enjoy doing them then you could make these forms of exercise part of your daily/weekly routine.
A calming technique used to help put our minds in a peaceful and relaxing place is called 'meditation'. It is an ancient practice which originated from India, several thousand years BCE.
Back in the Spring term, you all enjoyed taking part in many of the activities members of staff provided as part of our 'Healthy Journey Day'. The 'Meditation' session with Miss Rapley and Mrs Lowrie-Herz proved to be very popular with you all. Have a go at this session below this morning. Members of your family might like to join in too!
A calming technique used to help put our minds in a peaceful and relaxing place is called 'meditation'. It is an ancient practice which originated from India, several thousand years BCE.
Back in the Spring term, you all enjoyed taking part in many of the activities members of staff provided as part of our 'Healthy Journey Day'. The 'Meditation' session with Miss Rapley and Mrs Lowrie-Herz proved to be very popular with you all. Have a go at this session below this morning. Members of your family might like to join in too!
Click on the link for meditation session:
Yoga is an effective way to keep our minds healthy and our bodies physically fit. It is a form of meditation which helps us to make more responsible decisions, have better attention spans, self-awareness and self-control. It's also proven to make us happier and more flexible!
Yoga is an effective way to keep our minds healthy and our bodies physically fit. It is a form of meditation which helps us to make more responsible decisions, have better attention spans, self-awareness and self-control. It's also proven to make us happier and more flexible!
Cosmic Kids Yoga www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
Be a healthier YOU! Rememeber - a healthy mind lives in a healthy body.