Over the last couple of days, Little Miss Healthy has been informing us of the importance of keeping our bodies healthy.
Today, she would like to ask you a question to think about and discuss with your families:
"Why are we always encouraged to drink lots of water?"
"Why are we always encouraged to drink lots of water?"
Why Water?
Our bodies are made of about 70 per cent water – it’s what makes up the majority of our blood, digestive juices and sweat, and it’s found in our organs and muscle cells.
Our bodies are made of about 70 per cent water – it’s what makes up the majority of our blood, digestive juices and sweat, and it’s found in our organs and muscle cells.
Water is used to metabolise fuel, regulate body temperature and digest food. Water enables our bodies to carry out all of its functions in the day, it continually moves about and is lost in urine, sweat, tears, blood and the air we breathe. Children, in particular, need to make sure they re-hydrate, as water is the primary way they regulate their body temperature.
Little Miss Healthy would like you to listen to the information and advice on the link below:
So, keeping our bodies hydrated is vitally important to maintain good health - water makes us healthy. You know when your body is dehydrated when you start showing these signs:
Follow Little Miss Healthy's advice on drinking lots of water each day - our bodies NEED it! Keep healthy and hydrated and drink water!